Throughout his many writings, Michael Novak, one of the leading Catholic social theorists of our times, has urged us to adopt a tripartite system of democratic capitalism including a market economy, a democratic polity, and a moral-cultural system
Why Galileo''s finger? Galileo, one of whose fingers is preserved in a vessel displayed in Florence, provided much of the impetus for modern science, pointing the way out of medieval ignorance. In this brilliant account of the central ideas of
Henry Hazlitt did an incredible thing with this book. He created in a mere 180 pages an anthology of short reviews of 550 books on economics and politics, old and new, from the point of view of an Austro-libertarian. Hazlitt wrote it because he
Hayek: A Commemorative Album illustrates the life and work of F A Hayek, Nobel Laureate in Economics and the twentieth century's leading thinker on liberalism. In this book, John Raybould brings together a unique collection of photographs and
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