Препоръчани книги

Economic Calculation In the Socialist Commonwealth Economic Calculation In the Socialist Commonwealth

Ludwig von Mises

This is the essay that overthrew the socialist paradigm in economics, and provided the foundation for modern Austrian price theory. When it first appeared in 1920, Mises was alone in challenging the socialists to explain how their pricing system

The Founders' Constitution The Founders' Constitution

Philip B. Kurland (ed.), Ralph Lerner (ed.)

"There is nothing comparable to it in print.... This is truly a lifetime bargain and certainly the most valuable compilation for your family library I have ever seen." Dr. W. Cleon Skousen - (Renowned Constitutionalist)

The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks

"The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks" is one of the major products of the Scottish Enlightenment and a masterpiece of jurisprudence and social theory. Building on David Hume, Adam Smith, and their respective natural histories of man, John Millar

Това не е краят на книгите Това не е краят на книгите

Умберто Еко, Жан-Клод Кариер , Жан-Филип дьо Тонак

Това е най-човешкият разговор за книги, публикуван някога. Двама почти 80-годишни мъдреци, които нямат какво да губят, нито се борят за


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-  Разнообразна програма от срещи, дискусии, обсъждания на книги и автори, прожекции на кратки филмчета.


... и всичко това за абонамент на цената на една книга




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