Virginia Political Economy is the inaugural volume in a new series, Liberty Fund's The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock. The series will consist of ten volumes of selections from the major monographs and scholarly papers published by Tullock between
How would you feel if you outperformed the market, year after year? Would you become convinced that the good times were here to stay, that nothing could possibly go wrong? And how would you then feel if everything suddenly collapsed around you?
As an author, Bryce quickly became well known in America for his 1888 work, The American Commonwealth. The book thoroughly examined the institutions of the United States from the point of view of a historian and constitutional lawyer, and it at once
The state of the global economy affects every single one of us. With economic growth threatened by financial regulation and the East and West at competitive odds, the real solutions to global recession can only come through international
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Стремежът ни е Библиотеката на ИПИ да се превърне във важен център на знанието в България, включително място за дебати и обсъждания на икономически теми.