Препоръчани книги

Good to Great Good to Great

Jim Collins

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't is a 2001 management book by James C. Collins that aims to describe how companies transition from being average companies to great companies and how companies can fail to make the

Молцко царство Молцко царство

Ъруин Шиф

"Ако искате детето ви, когато порасне, да разбира от икономика, „Молцко царство” ще помогне това да се случи. Шиф смята, че е за

Arthur Seldon: A Life for Liberty Arthur Seldon: A Life for Liberty

Colin Robinson

Arthur Seldon was one of the most influential economists of the late twentieth century. His ideas were key to the changes in economic policies under Margaret Thatcher’s government and which spread to many other countries. Seldon was for thirty

  An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature  An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature

Nathaniel Culverwell

An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature is a concerted effort to find a middle way between the two extremes that dominated the religious dispute of the English civil war in the seventeenth century. At one extreme end of the spectrum


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... и всичко това за абонамент на цената на една книга




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