Angus Maddison

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Angus Maddison (1926 - 2010) was a world scholar on quantitative macroeconomic history, including the measurement and analysis of economic growth and development.
Born in 1926 in Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, Angus Maddison was Emeritus Professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and Honorary Fellow of Selwyn College, Cambridge. He was educated at Cambridge, McGill, and Johns Hopkins universities, before teaching at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. His professional relationship with the OECD began even before the Organisation's birth. He was Head of the OEEC Economics Division from 1953 to 1962 when the organization  became the OECD. From 1963 to 1966, he was a Fellow of the newly created OECD Development Centre. He left the Organisation in order to undertake research for the Twentieth Century Fund and Harvard University's Development Advisory Service but, by 1971, Professor Maddison was back at the OECD as Head of the Central Analysis Division, a post he retained for seven years.
Angus Maddison has been an advisor to the governments of Brazil, Ghana, Greece and Pakistan and has travelled widely in developing countries as part of his research interests. His major research interest was the assessment of the forces affecting the economic growth performance of nations, with particular emphasis on quantitative analysis in historical and comparative perspectives.
Professor Maddison is the author or co-author of 25 books and a great many articles in academic and financial journals.

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