

Книги: A Liberating Economic Journey, Administrative Justice in the New European Democracies, Agriculture and the Environment in the Transition to a Market Economy, Baltic Journal of Economics, Biodiversity Prospecting: Using Genetic Resources for Sustainable Development, Can Japan compete?, CATO Handbook for Congress, Conference proceedings, Constitution for Europe, Corruption in Serbia, Decentralization of the Socialist State, Democracy and Civil Society in the Balkans , Dictionary of Economics, Does Europe need a Constitution?, Does the Exchange Rate Regime Matter for Inflation and Growth?, Eco-Sanity, Economies in Transition and the Variety of Capitalism, Environmental Quality, Europe from A to Z, Europe of regions, European integration and the Balkans, Financing Health Services in Developing Countries, Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in Science and Technology, Hoover Digest, Household Responses to Poverty and Vulnerability, Household Survey, How much popular support is there for the EU?, In Defense of the Free Market, In the River They Swim, Incentives and Prices for Motor Vehicles, Index of Economic Freedom 1996 , Index of Economic Freedom 2000 , Index of Economic Freedom 2006 , International Property Rights Index, Investments and Payouts in Funded Pension Systems, IRIS Quarterly Policy Report, Is the West doing enough for Eastern Europe, List of publications, Macht Raum Europa/ Magisches Prag?, Mortgage Banking Terms, Nations in Transit , NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks 1999, NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks 2005 , Pension Provision: Government Failure Around the World, Poles Apart?, Post-Communist Transition to a Market Economy, Principles of Economics, Review of Agricultural Policies: Hungary, Should the EU be redesigned?, Simple English Dictionary, South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, The agricultural situation in the European Union, The Aqua Group Guide to Procurement Tendering and Contact Administration, The Evolving Role of the World Bank, The golden ring, The new foreign policy of Bulgaria and NATO, Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comprehensive Directory, Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comprehensive Directory, To Preserve and Protect, Verdict on the Crash: Causes and Policy Implications, Were 364 Economists All Wrong?, What future for the european commission?, What global role for the EU?, World Development Report 1992, World Investment Report 2001, Закрила на бежанците, Какво ще спаси икономиката?, Наръчник за изготвяне на оценка на въздействието на законодателството на местно ниво и примерни анализи, Статистички годишник на Република Македониjа 1998, Тhe Balkans in the Еuropean Economic Space

Constantine Michalopoulos

Книги: A Strategy for Trade Integration in South East Europe

Cord Jakobeit

Книги: Gesamteuropa

Cornelis Heesters

Книги: A Free Society Reader

Craig W. Holden

Книги: Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance

Cyntihia Beltz (Editor)

Книги: The Foreign Investment Debate: Opening Markets Abroad or Closing Markets at Home?

D. Johnson

Книги: The peoples' s Republic of China: 1978 - 1990

D. José Angel Sánchez Asiaín

Книги: Investiture Lecture

Dale B. Truett

Книги: Macroeconomics

Dale Carnegie

Книги: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dan Ariely

Книги: Predictably Irrational

Dan Heath

Книги: Switch

Dani Rodrik

Книги: Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the World Economy

Daniel B. Klein

Книги: Assurance and Ttrust in a Great Society, Curb rights

Daniel Cohen

Книги: A valuation formula for LDC debt

Daniel Cohen; Thierry Verdier

Книги: Debt, debt relief, and growth

Daniel Daianu

Книги: Balkan Reconstruction , Whither growth in central and eastern Europe? Policy lessons for an integrated Europe

Daniel Defoe

Книги: A General History of the Pyrates

Daniel F. Spulber

Книги: Protecting competition from the postal monopoly

Daniel Goleman

Книги: Emotional Intelligence; Working with Emotional Intelligence , Primal Leadership

Автори: 301 - 320 от общо 2513