
Youngsun Koh

Книги: The Korean Economy: Six Decades of Growth and Development

Yunnan Shi

Книги: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Presence of Chinese and Indian Firms in Europe

Yuri Yegorov

Книги: Dacha Pricing in Russia

Yves Guérard

Книги: Building private pension systems

Yves Pigneur

Книги: Business Model Generation

Zamira Sinoimeri

Книги: Poverty in Albania

Zbigniew Krysiak


Zbigniew Krysiak


Zdenek Lukas

Книги: Agriculture in Transition: Widening Gap Betweeen the CEEC's and Russia and Ukraine, Die Landwirtschaft der Oststaaten 1996

Zdenek Lukas; Josef Pöschl

Книги: Competitiveness of agriculture in the CEFTA countries and the impact an Austria

Zdravko Mlinar

Книги: Local Development and Socio-Spatial Organization

Zelemir Rasalic

Книги: Lokalni sustavi malih poduzeca

Zeljko Mrnjavac

Книги: Lokalni sustavi malih poduzeca

Željko Šević

Книги: Local Government Nontax Revenue Sources in Transition Countries

Zenka Bojilova


Zhang Weiying

Книги: The Logic of the Market

Ziya Onis

Книги: Economic Crises and Long-Term Growth in Turkey

Zsolt Darvas

Книги: Whither growth in central and eastern Europe? Policy lessons for an integrated Europe

Zuliu Hu

Книги: Why is China growing so fast?

А. А. Тахо-Годи

Книги: Аристотель

Автори: 1841 - 1860 от общо 2513