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A Practical Plan for Privatizing Deposit Insurance and Strengthening Our Banks and Thrifts

Автор(и) : Peter J. Wallison

Издател : Тhe AEI Press

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1990

ISBN : 0-8447-7002-7

Брой страници : 70

Език : английски


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The central causes of the Savings and Loans debacle, according to this study, lay in the decision to substitute government regulation for the disciplines of the market.
This title is currently out of print, but online booksellers sometimes have used copies available. See links below.
With estimates of losses reaching hundreds of billions of dollars and still rising, the Savings and Loans crisis seems likely to produce the greatest governmental financial loss in the history of our nation. The central causes of this debacle, according to the author, lay in the decision to substitute government regulation for the disciplines of the market.

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