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When Money Dies When Money Dies

Adam Fergusson

Издател: Old Street Publishing Ltd.

When Money Dies is the classic history of what happens when a nation’s currency depreciates beyond recovery. In 1923, with its currency effectively worthless (the exchange rate in December of that year was one dollar to 4,200,000,000,000 marks), the German republic was all but reduced to a barter economy. Expensive cigars, artworks, and jewels

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Political Economy, Concisely Political Economy, Concisely

Anthony de Jasay

Издател: Liberty Fund

A good grasp of market politics is a vital tool to fully understanding and evaluating it. The Collected Papers of Anthony de Jasay: Political Economy, Concisely; Essays on Policy That Does Not Work and Markets That Do is a collection of essays from noted economic theorist Anthony de Jasay, an active economic thinker in today's world. His

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The Roots of Capitalism The Roots of Capitalism

John Chamberlain

Издател: Liberty Fund

Capitalism is a system that can stand on its own attainments, says John Chamberlain, and he offers here a fast-paced, provocative look at the intellectual forces and practical accomplishments that have created American capitalism. In clear, unequivocal language he discusses the ideas responsible for our economic institutions, the originators of

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The Political Writings of William Penn The Political Writings of William Penn

William Penn

Издател: Liberty Fund

Unlike many twenty-first-century scholars who view religious liberty as simply a “freedom from” state interference, William Penn viewed religious liberty as part of a broader emphasis on individual responsibility. His writings played a crucial role in the articulation of religious liberty as a philosophical and political value during the

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What Should Economists Do? What Should Economists Do?

James M. Buchanan

Издател: Liberty Fund

This volume is a collection of sixteen essays on three general topics: the methodology of economics, the applicability of economic reasoning to political science and other social sciences, and the relevance of economics as moral philosophy. Several essays are published here for the first time, including "Professor Alchian on Economic Method,"

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Economic Calculation in the Socialist Society Economic Calculation in the Socialist Society

Trygve J. B. Hoff

Издател: Liberty Fund

Dr. Hoff's 1938 book and Professor Vaughn's important introduction establish the theoretical impossibility of socialism: a system empirically in ruins but still advocated by many.

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Economic Calculation in the Socialist Society Economic Calculation in the Socialist Society

Trygve J. B. Hoff

Издател: Liberty Fund

Dr. Hoff's 1938 book and Professor Vaughn's important introduction establish the theoretical impossibility of socialism: a system empirically in ruins but still advocated by many.

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Economics and the Public Welfare Economics and the Public Welfare

Benjamin M. Anderson

Издател: Liberty Press

In the turbulent years between passage of the Federal Reserve Act (1913) and the Bretton Woods Agreement (1945), the peoples of the Western world suffered two World Wars, two major and several minor international financial panics, an epidemic of currency devaluations and debt repudiations, civil wars, and revolutions. They also enjoyed a decade of

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The Fable of The Bees: or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits The Fable of The Bees: or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits

Bernard Mandeville

Издател: Liberty Fund

Mandeville is the wittiest and shrewdest philosopher ever to make a significant impact upon economics. He anticipated Oscar Wilde in choosing his enemies with great care, and within his own century they included David Hume, Adam Smith, and Francis Hutcheson. He could afford even such enemies because his friends and admirers have been

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The Fable of The Bees: or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits The Fable of The Bees: or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits

Bernard Mandeville

Издател: Liberty Fund

It used to be that everyone read the "notorious" Bernard Mandeville (1670–1733). He was a great satirist and came to have a profound impact on economics, ethics, and social philosophy. The Fable begins with a poem and continues with a number of essays and dialogues. It is all tied together by the startling and original idea that "private vices"

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Книги: 1011 - 1020 от общо 3739