Нови книги

The Social Dilemma: Of Autocracy, Revolution, Coup d'Etat, and War The Social Dilemma: Of Autocracy, Revolution, Coup d'Etat, and War

Gordon Tullock

Издател: Liberty Fund

Volume 8 in "The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock" draws from two highly acclaimed and path-breaking books by Gordon Tullock, "The Social Dilemma" (1974) and "Autocracy" (1987). In this work, Tullock explores political market behaviour that is based on conflict rather than on bargaining and thus behaviour that results in wealth reduction rather

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The Economics and Politics of Wealth Redistribution The Economics and Politics of Wealth Redistribution

Gordon Tullock

Издател: Liberty Fund

The role of the democratic state in the redistribution of wealth is the topic of this readable and lively examination of an often controversial issue. Using public choice and rent-seeking analysis as a basis, Tullock discusses the role of the democratic state in the redistribution of wealth. He adds a refreshing dose of realism to a field of

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Bureaucracy Bureaucracy

Gordon Tullock

Издател: Liberty Classics

Bureaucracy provides access to two important and influential books on bureaucracy by Gordon Tullock: The Politics of Bureaucracy (1965) and Economic Hierarchies, Organization and the Structure of Production (1992). When The Politics of Bureaucracy was published in 1965, bureaucracy was viewed by many people as benign—serving the public good

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The Rent-Seeking Society The Rent-Seeking Society

Gordon Tullock

Издател: Liberty Fund

The fifth volume in The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock consists of six parts, each part expounding on a separate component of the field. Part 1, “Rent Seeking: An Overview,” brings together two papers that focus on problems of defining rent-seeking behavior and outline the nature of the ongoing research program in a historical perspective.

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 The Economics of Politics The Economics of Politics

Gordon Tullock

Издател: Liberty Fund

The Economics of Politics is the fourth volume in Liberty Fund’s The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock. This volume includes some of Gordon Tullock’s most noteworthy contributions to the theory and application of public choice, which is a relatively new science that links economics and political action. This volume combines the best parts of

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The Organization of Inquiry The Organization of Inquiry

Gordon Tullock

Издател: Liberty Fund

The Organization of Inquiry, the third volume in Liberty Fund’s The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock, was originally published by Duke University Press in 1966. This is a treatise by one of the most stalwart practitioners of the scientific method in political economy--Gordon Tullock. Charles K. Rowley, Duncan Black Professor of Economics at

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The Calculus of Consent The Calculus of Consent

Gordon Tullock

Издател: Liberty Fund

The Calculus of Consent is divided into four parts, each consisting of several chapters. The introduction by Professor Rowley provides a short overview of the book and identifies key insights that permeated the bounds of economics and political science and created an enduring nexus between the two sciences. Part I of The Calculus of Consent

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Virginia Political Economy Virginia Political Economy

Gordon Tullock

Издател: Liberty Fund

Virginia Political Economy is the inaugural volume in a new series, Liberty Fund's The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock. The series will consist of ten volumes of selections from the major monographs and scholarly papers published by Tullock between 1954 and 2002. The first volume contains a selection from Tullock's published academic papers

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Спомени и размисли Спомени и размисли

Ото фон Бисмарк

Издател: ИК Христо Ботев

Ото фон Бисмарк пристъпва към написването на „Спомени и размисли” непосредствено след своята оставка през 1890 г. Първоначалният вариант на ръкописа е готов през 1893 г. От него е направен

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Икономическата политика: размисли за настоящето и бъдещето Икономическата политика: размисли за настоящето и бъдещето

Лудвиг фон Мизес

Издател: Институт за радикален капитализъм

Идеалната икономическа политика – както за днешния, така и за утрешния ден, е много проста. Държавата трябва да защитава живота и имуществото на хората под нейна юрисдикция от вътрешни и

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Книги: 1031 - 1040 от общо 3739