Нови книги
Panderer to Power
Frederick J. Sheehan
Издател: McGraw-Hill Book Company
Alan Greenspan’s 18-year stint as head of the Federal Reserve Bank witnessed some of the most massive upward redistributions of wealth in our nation’s history. It’s now clear that his policies contributed greatly to the transformation of Wall Street from an engine that financed American business to a business-destroying machine—and that
Terrorizing Ourselves
Jim Harper , Benjamin H. Friedman , Christopher A. Preble
Издател: Cato Institute
Terrorizing Ourselves dismantles much of the flawed thinking that dominates U.S. counterterrorism policy today and lays out alternative approaches informed by experience, deliberation, and the well-established norms of a free society.
Leading experts in the field contributed to this important new book, which shows that politicians use fear for
Адам Смит: въведение
Имън Бътлър
Издател: Институт за радикален капитализъм „Атлас”
"Книгата на Имън Бътлър по възпитителен и убедителен начин запознава читателите си с личността и мисленето на Адам Смит. Това е най-доброто публикувано досега въведение към творчеството му и
The Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton , James Madison , John Jay
Издател: A Signet Classic
The Federalist Papers, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, brilliantly defend what was in their day a revolutionary charter—the Constitution of the United States. The Federalist Papers explain the complexities of a constitutional government—its political structure and principles based on the inherent rights of man.
Sicherheitspolitik kontrovers I
Dieter S. Lutz , Wolfgang Heisenberg
Издател: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Das Buch behandelt das Thema Frieden im Kontext unsererer Gegenwart, wenn es ständig neue Herausforderungen für die Streitkräfte auftauchen und die Sicherheit der Bürger durch unkonventionelle Gefahren unter Frage gestellt wird.
Bertriebliche Finanzwirtschaft als monetäres System
Wolfgang Benner
Издател: Verlag Otto Schwartz & Co
Ziel des Lehrtextes ist die erklärende Beschreibung finanzwirtschaftlicher Prozesse in Betrieben sowie ihrer Steuerung als Teilaufgabe gesamtbetrieblicher Lenkung. Entsprechen stehen zwei Probleme im Vordergrund: Zunächst werden betriebliche Güterströme und Leistungsprozesse analysiert, um die finanzwirtschaftliche Dimension des betrieblichen
Немирството на парите
Милтън Фридман
Издател: ИК "Дамян Яков"
В течение на десетилетията, през които изучавах монетарните явления, многократно ме смайваха вездесъщите и често неочаквани последици от наглед незначителни промени в монетарните
Книги: 1101 - 1110 от общо 3739