Нови книги
High Loan-to-Value Mortgage Lending
Charles Calomiris , Joseph Mason
Издател: AEI Press
High loan-to-value mortgage lending is a fast-growing sector of the mortgage industry that has evolved to meet the needs of today's consumers and to compensate for the deficiencies of consumer bankruptcy law. But some observers fear that such lending could undermine consumer-lender responsibilities and even the economy as a whole. The authors
Американски мечти
Маргарита Карамихова
Издател: Кротал
Книгата се състои от две части. Първата част е посветена на социалните мрежи. В нея е коментирано защо и как най-новата ни имиграция в САЩ участва в множество отворени общности, които не
In the River They Swim
Издател: Templeton Press
"In The River They Swim" is a collection of essays written by men and women directly involved in efforts to address poverty in developing countries. The book emphasizes a needed paradigm shift away from poverty relief toward wealth creation. Relieving poverty is a short-term solution. Economic development is the route to lifting the citizenry of
Twice Adopted
Michael Reagan
Издател: Broadman & Holman Publishers
Michael Reagan’s life is much more than just an interesting story. It is a testimony of how Christ allowed him to find healing from many of the issues that confront our culture today, such as sexual abuse, divorce, loneliness, the feeling of rejection, and the belief that God does not care about us. Michael Reagan’s first adoption gave him an
Why Europe Should Embrace Turkey
Heather Grabbe , Katinka Barysch , Steven Everts
Издател: Centre for European Reform (CER)
Many Turks heaved a sigh of relief in December 2004, when EU leaders declared that Turkey could start accession negotiations in October 2005. Some 40 years after the EU had first opened up the prospect of membership, that goal finally appeared to be within reach. Yet as the opening of those accession talks approaches, the mood in Turkey is
Credit Risk of Mortgage Loans
Krzysztof Jajuga
Издател: Polish Bank Association
The risk of an institution financing mortgage loans means a possibility of facing difficulties in receiving payments on time. When setting up a credit risk management policy for mortgage loans, a bank should start with describing conditions and rules for identification, measurement and monitoring of the credit risk. The primary criteria for risk
Книги: 1141 - 1150 от общо 3739