Нови книги

Exiting Iraq Exiting Iraq

Christopher A. Preble

Издател: The Cato Institute

With the continuing U.S. occupation of Iraq, a special task force of scholars and policy experts calls into question the Bush administration's intention to stay as long as necessary. In this joint statement, the members argue that the presence of troops in Iraq distracts attention from fighting Al Qaeda and emboldens a new class of terrorists to

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The Corporation Under Siege The Corporation Under Siege

Mark Neal, Christie Davies

Издател: The Social Affairs Unit

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The Global Education Industry The Global Education Industry

James Tooley

Издател: IEA

The first edition of this pioneering book produced surprising conclusions from research around the world into the extent of private education. James Tooley challenged the prevailing wisdom that private education fosters social and economic inequality. On the contrary, he found that the private sector, as well as being innovative, often

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The Intellectuals and Socialism The Intellectuals and Socialism

Friedrich von Hayek

Издател: Institute for Humane Studies

In "The Intellectuals and Socialism," originally published in 1949, Hayek explained the appeal of socialist ideas to intellectuals – the "second-hand dealers in ideas." Intellectuals, Hayek argued, are attracted to socialism because it involves the rational application of the intellect to the organisation of society, while its utopianism

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Central Banking in a Free Society Central Banking in a Free Society

Tim Congdon

Издател: IEA

The author covers the Northern Rock affair and the subsequent instability in the UK financial system in the context of the history and desired future role of the Bank of England as a central bank. Tim Congdon, a respected monetary economist, shows how the Bank of England failed in its duties to provide Northern Rock with proper lender-of-last

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Law School and Beyond Law School and Beyond

Издател: Institute for Humane Studies

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The Truth The Truth

Clark Carlton

Издател: Regina Orthodox Press

Pope Benedict XVI, when he was at the Italian Eucharistic Congress in Bari, Italy, again called for more dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches. This book by Clark Carlton will show what keeps the Churches separate. Carlton has a Masters of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, where he studied

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The Unfinished Business of the Fifth Enlargement Countries The Unfinished Business of the Fifth Enlargement Countries


Издател: Отворено Общество

The unfinished business in those countries concerns mainly the policy areas of national competence (political systems, social, educational, health reforms and sustainable economic development) that have been relatively neglected by decision-makers in the pre-accession period for the sake of the accession agenda. There is not any

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Скритата икономика в България Скритата икономика в България

Издател: Център за изследване на демокрацията

С бързите промени в световната икономика през последното десетилетие и необходимостта от динамични структурни реформи в Европа и по-специално в страните в преход, изследванията на

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Free Markets Under Siege Free Markets Under Siege

Издател: IEA

Richard A. Epstein, Professor of Law at the University of Chicago, explains how there are substantial gains to be made from countries getting 'easy' policy decisions correct. Societies collapse and become impoverished when they do not accept the basic principles of freedom to contract and competition. Even in the developed world these principles

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Книги: 1151 - 1160 от общо 3739