Нови книги
The State
Anthony de Jasay
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
The State is an idiosyncratic and brilliant analysis of modern political arrangements that views the state as acting in its own interest contrary to the interests of individuals and even of an entire society. As Nobel laureate James Buchanan has observed, Jasay subjects the state to a "solid, foundational analysis, grounded in an understanding of
On the Manipulation of Money and Credit
Ludwig von Mises
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
The three treatises in On the Manipulation of Money and Credit were written in German between 1923 and 1931. Together they include some of Mises's most important contributions to monetary and trade-cycle theories and constitute a precursor to Mises's major work, Human Action. In the first essay, "Stabilization of the Monetary Unit from the
Психология на тълпите
Густав Льобон (Гюстав Льо Бон)
Издател: Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски"
Предговор от автора
Сборът от общи черти на характера, наложени от средата и наследствеността на всички индивиди от даден народ, съставлява душата на този народ.
Тези характерни черти са
An Illustrated Guide to the American Economy: A Hundred Key Issues
Herbert Stein , Murray Foss
Издател: American Enterprise Institute Press
"An Illustrated Guide to the American Economy" is aimed at those seeking to make sense of economic news or - more important - to place it in a broader context. The book consists of straightforward, objective statements about the United States, each one explained in a page of text accompanied by a page of bold, four-colour charts. Too often we lack
Книги: 121 - 130 от общо 3739