Георги Ангелов, Георги Ганев, Георги Саракостов, Георги Стоев, Десислава Николова, Калоян Стайков, Красен Станчев, Петър Ганев
Книгата за плоския данък е сборник от есета на осем водещи икономисти, имащи пряко участие в процеса на...
Айн Ранд
„Атлас изправи рамене” превръща Айн Ранд не само в един от най-популярните писатели, но и в един от...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Alena Zemplínerová
Издател: WIIW
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Leon Podkaminer
Johann Burgstaller; Michael Landesmann
Kazimierz Laski; Amit Bhaduri; Gábor Hunya
Michael Landesmann; Gábor Hunya
Daniel Mitchell, Chris Edwards
Издател: Cato Institute
This book explores one of the most dynamic and exciting aspects of globalization—international tax competition. With rising mobility and soaring capital flows, individuals and businesses are gaining freedom to work and invest in nations with lower tax rates. That freedom is pressuring governments to cut taxes on income, investment, and
Ted Carpenter
Razeen Sally
Razeen Sally argues forcefully that international trade policy has lost its way. Trade policy has become disconnected from 21st century business and consumer realities. The World Trade Organization and free trade agreements have outdated negotiating models and yield diminishing returns. The world's fastest growing economies are those in Asia that
Gene Healy
Gerald Frost
Издател: Profile Books
Antony Fisher's achievements throughout a varied and fascinating life were extraordinary. A successful entrepreneur from his twenties, and a decorated Battle of Britain fighter pilot in World War II, he later introduced chicken factory-farming to the UK (his second wife said, 'Antony did more to put a chicken in every man's pot than any king or
Книги: 1421 - 1430 от общо 3739