Нови книги

Немско-български икономически речник Немско-български икономически речник

Добрина Стоянова, Ценка Божилова, Радосвета Христова

Издател: Библиотека 48

Речникът съдържа над 36 000 думи от иконимическата теория и практика. Включена е най-новата терминология от сферата на бизнес комуникацията и от частни области като финанси, борси, маркетинг,

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Бизнесразговорник Бизнесразговорник

Gordon Cooper

Издател: PONS

Вашият партньор при бизнес пътувания в чужбина. Предлага най-важните форми на общуване в света на бизнеса. Съдържа 17 тематични раздела: от посещения на фирми през делови разговори до

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Simple English Dictionary Simple English Dictionary


Издател: Interprint

Recommended for home, office and school.

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Френски синонимен речник Френски синонимен речник

Издател: Издат. “Свят“

Изданието насочва читателя в избора на думите според смисъла, граматиката и мястото им в текста. Включва речниковия фонд на съвременния френски език, от обикновения до изискания, като е

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European banking and financial services law European banking and financial services law

Издател: European association of public banks

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Constitution Makers on Constitution Making Constitution Makers on Constitution Making

Robert A. Goldwin (editor), Art Kaufman (editor)

Издател: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

Eighty new constitutions, more than half of the written national constitutions in effect, have been written and adopted just since 1974, an average of more than five a year. At a time when the United States is observing the two-hundreth anniversary of its Constitution, the median age of all constitutions in the world is less than fifteen years.

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Politico-Administrative  Dilemma: Traditional Problems and New Solutions Politico-Administrative Dilemma: Traditional Problems and New Solutions

Bernadette Connaughton, Georg Sootla, B. Guy Peters

Издател: NISPAcee - The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe

The papers contained in this book address the on-going themes of the NISPAcee working group on politico-administrative relations. The book represents another step in the ongoing development of our understanding of how governments in Central and Eastern Europe are transforming themselves. The papers in the first section cover familiar themes such

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Post-Communist Public Administration Post-Communist Public Administration

David Coomber (editor), László Vass (editor)

Издател: NISPAcee

The book is a collection of papers presented at NISPAcee's 14th annual conference, held in Ljubljana during May 2006. The main theme of the conference was rebuilding the professionalism and accountability in the administration of states in transition from highly-protected state-trading systems to the pressures of competitive markets and pluralist

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Книги: 1561 - 1570 от общо 3739