Нови книги
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics, in 4 vols., Volume 2
Ludwig von Mises
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
The first comprehensive treatise on economics written by a leading member of the modern Austrian school of economics. As the editor to the 4th revised edition Bettina Bien Greaves explains “Mises’ contribution was very simple, yet at the same time extremely profound. He pointed out that the whole economy is the result of what individuals do.
Свободно падане
Джоузеф Стиглиц
Издател: ИнфоДАР
Единствената изненада, свързана с икономическата криза от 2008 г., е, че тя изненада толкова много хора. Джоузеф Стиглиц обяснява причините, довели до настоящата финансова криза, с етикет
The Fountainhead
Ayn Rand
Издател: Plume
In her first notes for The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand describes its purpose as “a defense of egoism in its real meaning . . . a new definition of egoism and its living example.” She later states its theme as “individualism versus collectivism, not in politics, but in man’s soul; the psychological motivations and the basic premises that produce
The Virtue of Selfishness
Ayn Rand
Издател: Signet
Selfishness — a virtue? Ayn Rand chose this book’s provocative title because she was on a mission to overcome centuries of demonization. “In popular usage,” Rand writes, “the word ‘selfishness’ is a synonym of evil; the image it conjures is of a murderous brute who tramples over piles of corpses to achieve his own ends . . . and
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Ayn Rand
Издател: Signet
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal is a collection of essays, mostly by Ayn Rand, with additional essays by her associates Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, and Robert Hessen. The book focuses on the moral nature of laissez-faire capitalism and private property. The book has a very specific definition of capitalism, a system it regards as broader than
Човешката ситуация
Хана Аренд
Издател: ИК "Критика и хуманизъм"
„Човешката ситуация”, публикувана през 1958 г., е едно от централните теоретични произведения на философа Хана Аренд. Това е разказ за историческото развитие на ситуацията на човешкото
Leibniz: Selections
Philip P. Wiener
Издател: Charles Scribner's Sons
From the Introduction: Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibniz (1646-1716) belonged not only to that century but exemplified also the Renaissance ideal of the universal man in his many-sided activities, and ushered in The Age of the Enlightment as well. He was a lawyer, scientist, inventor, diplomat, poet, philologist, logician, moralist,
J. S. Mill’s Philosophy of Scientific Method
John Stuart Mill , Ernest Nagel
Издател: Hafner Publishing Co., Inc.
The dominant figure of mid-nineteenth-century British political economics, John Stuart Mill exercised a lasting influence on philosophical thought. This compact statement of Mill's doctrines offers the essentials for understanding his scientific methods of reasoning.
Starting with an informative Introduction by editor Ernest Nagel, the text
Основи на националната икономия
Валтер Ойкен
Издател: Издателство "ЛИК"
„Настоящата книга не представлява методологическа книга. Неин предмет е икономическата действителност. Избуяването на методологическите размисли е симптом за заболяване на всяка наука;
Фактори за икономически растеж в България
Издател: Център за икономическо развитие
На конференцията “Фактори за икономическия растеж в България”, организирана от Центъра за икономическо развитие и Агенцията за икономически анализи и прогнози, се търсят отговори на
Книги: 151 - 160 от общо 3739