Нови книги
Public Management in the Central and Eastern European Transition: Concepts and Cases
Glen Wright , Juraj Nemec
Издател: NICPAcee (The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe)
This book focuses upon managerial responsibilities and roles as opposed to education in law, politics or other fields. The aim of this textbook therefore is action-oriented, applied and practical, not theoretical nor philosophical. It discusses in straight-forward prose, step by step, how to make things happen in the public sector effectively,
Balkan Reconstruction
Thanos Veremis , Daniel Daianu
Издател: Frank Cass Publishers
Economists from within and beyond the peninsula, some current or former government officials, present seven essays on the potential for economic and political unity in the region, and report on seven individual countries. The topics include addicts and pushers of aid to the Balkans, regional cooperation, poverty and development, and transition
Kant and the Philosophy of History
Yirmiahu Yovel
Издател: Princeton University Press
This book grew out of over a decade of intermittent Kant studies. As a young undergraduate in Jerusalem, then under strong Neo-Kantian influence, I was led to think that Kant had spelled the doom of all metaphysics, and that his contribution to ethics lay in his formal, all too formal, doctrine of the categorical imperative. As for his essay on
Individualism and Nationalism in American Ideology
Yehoshua Arieli
Издател: Harvard University Press
How did American society – heterogeneous in its structure and origin, recent in its history, mobile and diverse in its character – come to consider itself a nation? Probing the ideology of America during its formative period from 1776 to 1865, the author shows a dynamic relationship between the growing sense of nationalism and the concept of
Экономическая теория благосостояния - т. 2
А. Пигу
Издател: Издательство „Прогресс“
Книга включает 4 части (66 глав): I. Благосостояние и национальный доход (11); II. Размер национального дохода и распределение ресурсов среди различных типов использования (22); III. Национальный
Экономическая теория благосостояния - т. 1
А. Пигу
Издател: Издательство „Прогресс“
Книга включает 4 части (66 глав): I. Благосостояние и национальный доход (11); II. Размер национального дохода и распределение ресурсов среди различных типов использования (22); III. Национальный
Игрите на размяната
Фернан Бродел
Издател: ИК "Прозорец"
Това е вторият том от фундаменталното изследване на Бродел "Материална цивилизация, икономика и капитализъм XV-XVIII век". След като в първия том бе разгледан най-първичният, материален пласт на
Книги: 171 - 180 от общо 3739