Нови книги
Comparative Law and Economics
Ugo Mattei
Издател: The University of Michigan Press
The comparative study of law and the institutions of law have enriched our understanding of the role law plays in our society by comparing law and legal institutions in different countries, but we have lacked a strong theoretical structure. Scholars studying the role of law in society by applying economic theories have offered a parsimonious
The Balkans 1804-1999
Misha Glenny
Издател: Granta Books
A survey of two centuries of history, by Britain's commentator on the Balkans, Misha Glenny. It offers general readers a single narrative that explains the background to the terrible events on their television screens and provides insights into the roots of the region's reputation for violence. It also explores the origins of modern Serbia,
Economic Analysis of Law
Richard A. Posner
Издател: Aspen Law and Business
Lucid, comprehensive, and definitive in its field, this text covers every aspect of economic analysis of the law, from common law, corporate and commercial law, and public international law to family law, evidence law, and the economic theory of democracy.
This edition highlights a variety of new information, keeping it timely and topical: The
Годината на рационалното невежество
Издател: Програма Достъп до Информация
Програма Достъп до Информация подготви доклад по проучването "Изпълнение на задълженията на органите на изпълнителната власт по ЗДОИ 2002". "Годината на рационалното невежество" се издава в
Заетост и безработица
Издател: Национален Статистически Институт
Публикацията съдържа данни от наблюдението на работната сила - репрезентативно наблюдение на домакинствата за изследване на икономическата активност на населението на 15 и повече навършени
Trade Policy Reforms Under Adjustment Programs
Издател: The World Bank
This report presents the findings of an OED overview of 35 trade-oriented adjustment operations carried out in nine countries during the economically turbulent 19808. The countries are Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Jamaica, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, and Turkey.
Case studies prepared for each of the nine countries took into
Книги: 2291 - 2300 от общо 3739