Нови книги

Жан Моне Жан Моне

Паскал Фонтен

Издател: Кръг "Европейски диалог"

През 1961 година списание „Таим" определя двама французи като „великите старци на Европа". Единият от тях е Шарл де Гол. Вторият - Жан Моне, остава в сянка като Сивия кардинал на Франция и на

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Mapping Central Europe Mapping Central Europe

Elena Zamfirescu

Издател: Netherlands institute of international relations

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Бъдещето на разширения Европейски съюз Бъдещето на разширения Европейски съюз

Издател: Европейски институт

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Managing Security in Europe Managing Security in Europe

Franco Algieri, Josef Janning, Dirk Rumberg (eds.)

Издател: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers

In ten to fifteen years, the European Union could include as many as 25 to 30 member states. In view of such an enlarged Union, a definition of the essential interests regarding foreign and security policy is required, as well as a reform of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Otherwise, the European Union will be unable to effectively

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A Guide to Smart Growth A Guide to Smart Growth

Издател: The Heritage Foundation

During the last half of the 20th Century the pursuit of the American Dream includes the quest for open space. The result is the suburbanization of America as people leave the city for the fresh air and better schools as well as less traffic and fewer people. Editors Jane Shaw and Ron Utt examine the public policy implications of America's race to

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Measures of the Transnationalization of Economic Activity Measures of the Transnationalization of Economic Activity

Издател: United Nations

This book provides an overview of the conceptual issues relating to the measurement of transnationalization and discusses the advantages and drawbacks of different measures. Using a variety of measures, the study analyzes trends in transnationalization for a number of economies: Canada, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea,

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European Integration, Regional Policy, and Growth European Integration, Regional Policy, and Growth

Издател: The World Bank

This publication contains a number of papers presented by leading academics, policy-makers and practitioners from existing and new EU member countries at a conference in Barcelona in October 2002. These papers discuss key issues regarding the effectiveness of attempts to reduce regional disparities with the EU and the implications of current

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EU, NATO and Southeastern Europe EU, NATO and Southeastern Europe

Издател: Institute of international politics and economics

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The Resistible Appeal of Fortress Europe The Resistible Appeal of Fortress Europe

Martin Wolf

Издател: AEI/ CPS

The European Union, by virtue of its size alone, is called upon to play a central role in establishing a prosperous and liberal world economy. But, says Martin Wolf, its historic approach raises serious doubts about whether it is capable of rising to the challenge.

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Книги: 2341 - 2350 от общо 3739