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The Emergence of East Central European Parliaments The Emergence of East Central European Parliaments

Издател: Hungarian Centre of Democracy Studies

Parliaments have been the “central site” and parties the chief actors of the East Central European democratic transitions. The parliamentarization of political life and of its actors has taken the form of “overparliamentarization,” since the East Central European parliaments have had an overwhelmingly dominant role in politics. The

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Parliaments and the Organized Interests Parliaments and the Organized Interests

Издател: Hungarian Centre of Democracy Studies

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Reengineering Administrative Districts in Slovenia Reengineering Administrative Districts in Slovenia

Mirko Vintar

Издател: Open Society Institute

The development of democratic and effective government at subnational levels remains one of the central tasks of transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The sharing of expertise between countries can contribute significantly to the reform process in the region. Pursuing this goal, the Local Government and Public

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Liberty and the State Liberty and the State

Charles K. Rowley

Издател: Edward Elgar

This is part of a four-volume set, an annual series dedicated to the work of John Locke. This volume deals with liberty and the state. The others cover rent seeking; classical liberalism, public choice and constitutional democracy; and property rights as a guarantor of liberty.

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Parchment, Guns and Constitutional Order Parchment, Guns and Constitutional Order

Richard E. Wagner

Издател: Edward Elgar Publishing

In this far-reaching and insightful monograph, Richard Wagner exposes the failure of the United States constitution to overcome the tyranny of the majority so feared by the Founding Fathers. A written constitution is enforceable mainly through the construction of a self-supporting balance of private interests. Using this insight, Professor

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Towards a European Immigration Policy Towards a European Immigration Policy

Издател: The Philip Morris Institute

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Kosovo Under International Administration Kosovo Under International Administration

Alexandros Yannis

Издател: ELIAMEP

The destabilising potential of Kosovo remains largely intact. The underlying cause of the crisis has not yet been addressed. The Kosovo conflict is not a dispute over power or form of government. It is a dispute over control of territory: a contest between Yugoslavia's sovereignty and Kosovo's independence. The United Nations Interim

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Estonia: Little Country that Could Estonia: Little Country that Could

Mart Laar

Издател: Centre for Research into Post Communist Economies - CRPCE

Because most comparative studies of post-communist transitions concentrate on only a handful of countries (Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Hungary being the most common), little Estonia has largely escaped wider notice-many consider it the most successful of all thirty-two transitions. Laar's account is probably the most extensive

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From crisis to growth From crisis to growth

Vladimir Mau

Издател: CRCE

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Книги: 2381 - 2390 от общо 3739