Нови книги

Това не е краят на книгите Това не е краят на книгите

Умберто Еко, Жан-Клод Кариер , Жан-Филип дьо Тонак

Издател: Издателство „Ентусиаст“

Това е най-човешкият разговор за книги, публикуван някога. Двама почти 80-годишни мъдреци, които нямат какво да губят, нито се борят за кариера или поклонници - ни съобщават истината за

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Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective

Israel M. Kirzner

Издател: Liberty Fund Inc.

The third volume of The Collected Works of Israel M. Kirzner presents a collection of writings on capital theory that serve both as a discourse in the history of economic thought and as conceptual clarification in one of the most complex subjects in economics. This edition explores the notions of capital and interest in light of the controversies

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The History of the Origins of Representative Government in Europe The History of the Origins of Representative Government in Europe

François Guizot

Издател: Liberty Fund Inc.

"In every society there exists a certain sum of correct ideas. This sum of correct ideas is scattered among the individuals who make up the society and is unequally distributed among them. The problem is to gather up all the scattered and incomplete fragments of this power, to concentrate them, and to constitute them into a government. What is

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My Thoughts My Thoughts

Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu

Издател: Liberty Fund Inc.

"My Thoughts" provides a unique window into the mind of one of the undisputed pioneers of modern thought, the author of The Spirit of the Laws. From the publication of his first masterpiece, Persian Letters, in 1721, until his death in 1755, Montesquieu maintained notebooks in which he wrote and dictated ideas on a wide variety of topics. Some of

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Competition and Entrepreneurship Competition and Entrepreneurship

Israel M. Kirzner

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Stressing verbal logic rather than mathematics, Israel M. Kirzner provides at once a thorough critique of contemporary price theory, an essay on the theory of entrepreneurship, and an essay on the theory of competition. Competition and Entrepreneurship offers a new appraisal of quality competition, of selling effort, and of the fundamental

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Производителят на възможности Производителят на възможности


Издател: Институт за пазарна икономика

В началото на септември 2012 г. ИПИ започна съвместен проект заедно с още три организации от посткомунистически страни (Литва, Грузия и Киргизстан). Двугодишният проект има за цел да подобри

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The Man and the Statesman: The Correspondence and Articles on Politics The Man and the Statesman: The Correspondence and Articles on Politics

Frédéric Bastiat

Издател: Liberty Fund Inc.

Liberty Fund's new six-volume The Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat series, of which The Man and the Statesman is the first volume, may be considered the most complete edition of Bastiat's works published to date, in any country, and in any language. The main source for this translation is the seven-volume Oeuvres complètes de Frédéric

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Roads to Sound Money Roads to Sound Money

Alex Chafuen, Judy Shelton

Издател: Atlas Economic Research Foundation

Roads to Sound Money is a compilation of essays featuring some of the most visionary, yet practical thinkers on monetary policy from Atlas’s network. The essays range from reforming the Fed, reinstating a gold standard, as well as alternative monetary systems. For more information on the project, check our website

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Liberty Through Gold Liberty Through Gold

Hans J. Bocker

Издател: Verlag Johannes Muller

This book will lastingly motivate you to think independently. Have courage!

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Инфлация и икономически растеж Инфлация и икономически растеж

Стела Ралева

Издател: Издателски комплекс - УНСС

Целта на монографията е да се анализират динамиките на общото ценово равнище и на реалния БВП в България, да се очертаят техните най-важни структурни характеристики и да се изследват

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Книги: 241 - 250 от общо 3739