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Основи на либерализма Основи на либерализма


Издател: Институт за либерални изследвания

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The IMF and the Environment The IMF and the Environment

Ved Gandhi

Издател: IMF

In recent years, observers have called on the IMF to pay closer attention to certain issues that do not fall directly within its mandate, such as the environment. This booklet reviews the IMF's approach to environmental issues, and when and how the IMF integrates environmental concerns into its work.

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Income, Inequality, and Poverty during the Transition from Planned to Market Economy Income, Inequality, and Poverty during the Transition from Planned to Market Economy

Издател: The World Bank

This book is about income, inequality, and poverty during the remarkable period of collapse of Communism and the construction of capitalism in the 18 formerly socialist countries. It covers a period of almost ten years, from the time of the early Gorbachevian reforms of 1987-88 to approximately 1996. The goal of this book is to describe what

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Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies

Masahiko Aoki, Hyung-Ki Kim

Издател: ЕDI

Observers of the formerly communist economies urge firms there to obtain funds from a relatively few sources. They note the problems the firms face: dysfunctional courts, markets, and statutes. Because these firms cannot rely on the courts to discipline managers, they predict that firms will do best if they raise their capital only from a few

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Comprehensive Income Taxation Comprehensive Income Taxation

Joseph Pechman

Издател: Тhe Brookings Institution

Dr. Pechman argues that Professor Bittker misunderstands the implications of the Haig-Simons definition of income. The accretion concept is meant to define income, and is not designed to determine the time interval, the proper unit of taxation, or the personal deductions that might be allowed for tax purposes. Professor Bittker has devoted most of

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The Political Economy of Antitrust The Political Economy of Antitrust

Robert Tollison

Издател: Lexington Books

Motivated by recent events and experiences in antitrust enforcement and policy in the United States and the European Union, and new insights and findings from academic research, this book presents a collection of theoretical, empirical and public policy-oriented articles representing recent research on the political-economy of antitrust.

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The Organization of Industry The Organization of Industry

George Stigler

Издател: R. D. Irwin

The Organization of Industry collects essays written over two decades—pieces prepared especially for this volume, previously unpublished material, and reprinted articles drawn from numerous sources, many which include additional commentary by the author. The essays are unified by George J. Stigler's careful analysis and by his clear and witty

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Striving for Growth After Adjustment Striving for Growth After Adjustment

Luis Serven, Andres Solimano

Издател: The World Bank

Modern agroindustry has made significant contributions to agricultural development. This anthology examines the dramatic transformation that the new technologies have helped bring about. India's experience in oilseed production illustrates why public subsidies can't work without private investment. One paper details how the Ghanaian government

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Money, Credit and the Economy Money, Credit and the Economy

Richard Coghlan

Издател: George Allen & UNWIN

The Theory of Money and Finance, by the same author, provided an introduction to the basic theory and concluded by introducing the idea of monetary disequilibrium, with the money supply process operating through bank credit creation. First published in 1981, this book develops that theme and provides empirical evidence in support of such an

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Книги: 2561 - 2570 от общо 3739