Нови книги

The Snowball The Snowball

Alice Schroeder

Издател: Bantam Dell

Successful investor Warren Buffett sits down with author Schroeder to give readers deep and erudite insights into his work and personal life. Detailing his views on current trends in the economy and society, Buffet speaks with tremendous wisdom about everything from his family to his business ethics. Richard McGonagle gives an eloquent,

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The Selfish Gene The Selfish Gene

Richard Dawkins

Издател: Oxford University Press

Richard Dawkins wrote The Selfish Gene in 1976. This book discusses the ideas of evolution and how the trait of being selfish is passed on. He then goes on to mention the possibility of overcoming these selfish tendencies. Dawkins states that the purpose of his book is to “examine the biology of selfishness and altruism”. From the very

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Разпадането на нациите Разпадането на нациите

Робърт Купър

Издател: Обсидиан

В своята забележителна книга Робърт Купър представя радикaлнaта си интерпретация на новия световен ред, които се оформя след рухването на комунизма. Според него сега има три типа държави:

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По повод на Галилей По повод на Галилей

Хосе Ортега-и-Гасет

Издател: Издателство "Рива"

Какво поражда екстремизма? Отчаянието, разбира се, отговаря философът Ортега-и-Гасет. Състоянието, при което човек се отчайва от живота си изобщо, спада към екстремните състояния - тогава

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130 години Българска народна банка 130 години Българска народна банка


Издател: БНБ

Тази кратка илюстрована история проследява развитието на Българската народна банка – фактически първата официална българска институция, основана след Освобождението, и една от

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The Monetary Policy of the ECB The Monetary Policy of the ECB


Издател: European Central Bank

On 1 January 1999, upon the successful completion of substantial preparatory work, Stage Three of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) started, and the European Central Bank (ECB) assumed responsibility for the single monetary policy in the euro area. This date marked the culmination of years of effort to create a durable framework for monetary

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Capital Ideas Capital Ideas

Peter L. Bernstein

Издател: John Wiley & Sons, Inc

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When Genius Failed When Genius Failed

Roger Lowenstein

Издател: Fourth Estate

The book tells the story of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), an American hedge fund which commanded more than $100 billion in assets at its height. Among LTCM's principals were several former university professors, including two Nobel Prize-winning economists. The book is separated into two sections: the rise and the fall. Chapters 1-6

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Книги: 2701 - 2710 от общо 3739