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Transition Report 2004
Издател: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Progress in reform during 2003–04 was most pronounced in south-eastern Europe. Elsewhere the pace of transition was uneven. Sustained structural reforms will stimulate growth in the longer term.
The transition countries are expected to grow by 6.1 per cent in 2004, helped by a positive international trade environment. Rapid credit growth is
Trends in Developing Economies
Издател: The World Bank
Trends in Developing Economies (TIDE) provides brief reports on most of the World Bank's borrowing countries. This compendium of individual country economic trends complements the World Bank's World Development Report, which looks at major global and regional economic trends and their implications for the future prospects of the developing
This Hemisphere of Liberty
Michael Novak
Издател: Тhe AEI Press
The subject of this book, the author writes, "is how to build institutions of liberty in this hemisphere of the Americas." Its thrust is twofold. First, Novak argues that North Americans and Latin Americans often speak past each other conceptually. Without an understanding of the Catholic intellectual traditions of southern Europe and Latin
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