Фредерик Бастиа
В този сборник са включени пет от най-известните произведения на Фредерик Бастиа: „Държавата”, „Законът”,...
Г. В. Фр. Хегел
В съчинението си “Феноменология на Духа” (1807) Хегел разглежда еволюцията на човешкото съзнание от първите...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Elisabeth & Jan Winiecki
Издател: CRCE
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Издател: Atlas Economic Research Foundation
The Templeton Freedom Awards is the largest international prize program that celebrates think tank contributions to the understanding of freedom. The Atlas Economic Research Foundation has launched the Templeton Freedom Awards program in 2003, thanks to a generous funding from the John Templeton Foundation. The late Sir John Templeton once
H. E. Frech III, Richard D. Miller Jr.
Издател: The AEI Press
Much work has been done analyzing the determinants of health care expenditures. Much less effort has been devoted to analyzing the determinants of health itself. The focus of the analysis presented here is the production of health, with special attention paid to disaggregating health into pharmaceuticals and other health care. We also analyze the
Max Weber
Издател: Charles Scribner`s Sons
First published in 1905, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is one of the most renowned and controversial works of modern social science. It is a brilliant book that studies the psychological conditions which made possible the development of capitalist civilisation. The book analyses the connection between the spread of Calvinism
Felipe Larrain, Marcelo Selowsky
Издател: ICS Press
Издател: Harvard University Press
Tomas Larsson
Издател: Cato Institute
Tomas Larsson tells the real story of globalization, which is the story of the expansion of individual liberty and personal responsibility. How much support would 'anti-dumping' legislation get if it were called, as it should be, anti-shopping legislation?' - P J O'Rourke, Author The CEO of the Sofa
Bjørn Lomborg
Издател: The sir Ronald Trotter lecture
Издател: Тhe World Bank
Ben B. Seligman
Издател: Quadrangle books
Книги: 3141 - 3150 от общо 3739