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Преглед на съдебната система на Съединените американски щати Преглед на съдебната система на Съединените американски щати

Иван Петров

Издател: Сиела софт енд паблишинг

Този труд не набляга нито на независимостта на съдебната власт, нито на ролята й в американската система на управление. Той, по-скоро, представлява опит за разбор за това, как работи на

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Изкуството на войната  Изкуството на войната


Издател: Книгоиздателска къща "Труд"

В този том са включени произведения на древнокитайски военни стратези и мъдреци, чиито творби и днес се преподават в елитните военни училища в много страни по света. Трактатите на Сун Дзъ,

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Европа: история Европа: история

Норман Дейвис


От ледниковата епоха до „студената война”, от Рейкявик до Волга, от Минос до Маргарет Тачер – тук Норман Дейвис ни разказва цялата история на Европа в един-единствен том. Избрана десет пъти

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Churchill's Wizards Churchill's Wizards

Nicholas Rankin

Издател: Faber & Faber

By June 1940, most of Europe had fallen to the Nazis and Britain stood alone. To protect itself, the nation fell back on cunning and camouflage. With Winston Churchill in charge, the British bluffed their way out of trouble - lying, pretending and dressing up in order to survive. The British had developed this uncommon talent during the trench and

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Economyths Economyths

David Orrell

Издател: Icon Books Ltd

Economics has for decades claimed that the economy is a rational, stable, efficient machine, governed by well-understood laws. Mathematician David Orrell traces the history of this idea from ancient Greece to the financial centres of London and New York, showing exactly how it is mistaken – and then brilliantly illustrates how new ideas in

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Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Peter J. Boettke

Издател: The Independent Institute

The passion of the teacher is often the inspiration for a student. This lively book illuminates how economics affects all walks of life, whether in the marketplace, voting booth, church, family, or any human activity. Boettke believes that economics is not merely a game to be played by clever professionals, but a discipline that touches on the

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Labor Markets in an Era of Adjustment Labor Markets in an Era of Adjustment

Dipak Mazumdar, Susan Horton, Ravi Kanbur

Издател: Economic Development Institute of The World Bank

The papers include 7 issue papers and 12 country studies (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand). The country studies bring together a wealth of information that will be useful to researchers.

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Taxation in Europe 2012 Taxation in Europe 2012

Pierre Garello

Издател: Institute for Research in Economic and Fiscal Issues

How far should redistribution go? Who should pay for it and how?...Should insolvent banks be bailed-out? Is it better to tax individuals when they consume or as soon as they earn their income?... This yearbook tells the story of what happened in 2011 in twenty European countries. Reading those reports gives a sense of how diverse are the

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Energy: The Master Resource Energy: The Master Resource

Robert L. Bradley Jr. , Richard W. Fulmer

Издател: Kendall Hunt Publishing

The best single primer on energy also happens to be written by an Austrian economist--a Rothbardian even! Author Robert Bradley, together with Richard Fulmer, have put together an outstanding book that covers this huge subject, beginning with answers to the most fundamental questions (What is energy? Where does energy come from?) through current

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The Making of Modern Economics The Making of Modern Economics

Mark Skousen

Издател: M. E. Sharpe, Inc.

Unlike other histories of economics, Mark Skousen's book provides a running plot with a singular heroic figure, Adam Smith, at the center of the discipline. Skousen unites the great thinkers by ranking them for or against Adam Smith and his "system of natural liberty." He shows how Karl Marx, Thorstein Veblen, John Maynard Keynes, and even

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Книги: 311 - 320 от общо 3739