Нови книги

The Essential Drucker The Essential Drucker

Peter F. Drucker

Издател: Harper Business

Father of modern management, social commentator, and preeminent business philosopher, Peter F. Drucker analyzed economics and society for more than sixty years. Now for readers everywhere who are concerned with the ways that management practices and principles affect the performance of organizations, individuals, and society, there is The

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How to Win Friends and Influence People How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie

Издател: Simon & Schuster

One of the best known motivational books in history: Since it was released in 1936, How to Win Friends and Influence People has sold more than 15 million copies. Carnegie’s first book is timeless and appeals equally to business audiences, self-help audiences, and general readers alike.. Proven advice for success in life: Carnegie believed

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Poor Economics Poor Economics

Abhijit V. Banerjee, Esther Duflo

Издател: Penguin Books

For more than fifteen years Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo have worked with the poor in dozens of countries spanning five continents, trying to understand the specific problems that come with poverty and to find proven solutions. Their book is radical in its rethinking of the economics of poverty, but also entirely practical in the

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Подчинението на жените  Подчинението на жените

Джон Стюарт Мил

Издател: Сиела софт енд паблишинг

Теоретичното наследство на Джон Стюарт Мил (1806-1873) е най-внушителния принос към развитието на либерализма след това на неговия основоположник Джон Лок. Подчинението на жените (1869) е

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Hopes and Prospects Hopes and Prospects

Noam Chomsky

Издател: Penguin Books

In this urgent new book, Noam Chomsky surveys the threats and prospects of our early twenty-first century. Exploring challenges such as the growing gap between North and South, American exceptionalism (even under Obama), the fiascos of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Israeli assault on Gaza and the recent financial bailouts, he also sees hope for the

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Кой се страхува от Адам Смит?  Кой се страхува от Адам Смит?

Питър Дж. Дохърти

Издател: Издателство "Класика и стил" ООД

Икономическите мислители и политолозите години наред са гледали на великото произведение на Адам Смит "Богатството на народите" като на пътеводител в тайнствата на пазара. А ето че сега

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Modern Greece Modern Greece

C. M. Woodhouse

Издател: Faber and Faber

Acclaimed for its penetration, balance, and insight, Modern Greece tells the story of Greece and its people, from the founding of Constantinople to the eclipse of socialism in the late twentieth century. C. M. Woodhouse is uniquely qualified to write the history of Greece, having served there in the Allied military and the British embassy during

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Why Nations Fail Why Nations Fail

James A. Robinson , Daron Acemoglu

Издател: Crown Publishers

"Why Nations Fail is a truly awesome book. Acemoglu and Robinson tackle one of the most important problems in the social sciences—a question that has bedeviled leading thinkers for centuries—and offer an answer that is brilliant in its simplicity and power. A wonderfully readable mix of history, political science, and economics, this book will

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Български дневник 1881 - 1884 Български дневник 1881 - 1884

Константин Иречек

Издател: Академично издателство "проф. Марин Дринов"

Дневникът на Константин Иречек е запечатил рядка по своята достоверност и разнообразие картина на българския живот в първите пет години след Освобождението. Малко са историческите извори,

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Как се развива икономиката и защо изпада в криза Как се развива икономиката и защо изпада в криза

Ъруин Шиф

Издател: Ремиво

В "Как се развива икономиката" (и защо изпада в криза), Ъруин Шиф, специалист по федералния данък върху дохода в САЩ, представя икономическата наука по твърде поучителен и същевременно забавен

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Книги: 341 - 350 от общо 3739