Нови книги

Молцко царство Молцко царство

Ъруин Шиф

Издател: Ремиво

"Ако искате детето ви, когато порасне, да разбира от икономика, „Молцко царство” ще помогне това да се случи. Шиф смята, че е за инфлацията. Всъщност, неин предмет са отношенията на хората с

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Производствени разходи за основни земеделски продукти в страните от ЕС Производствени разходи за основни земеделски продукти в страните от ЕС


Издател: Авангард Прима

Проектът FACEPA (Farm Accountancy Cost Estimation and Policy Analysis of European Agriculture) се финансира от седма рамкова програма на ЕС. Целта на проекта е да оцени, изчисли и славни производствените разходи в земеделието на

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Българското земеделие и очаквани резултати от предложените промени в ОСП Българското земеделие и очаквани резултати от предложените промени в ОСП

Румен Попов, Божидар Иванов

Издател: Авангард Прима

Книгата „Българското земеделие и очаквани резултати от предложените промени в ОСП” има за цел да направи преглед както на основните тенденции, протичащи в сектора от 1998 г. до сега, така и да

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Средносрочни приоритети на селскостопанската политика на България Средносрочни приоритети на селскостопанската политика на България

Румен Попов

Издател: Селскостопанска академия

Монографията „Средносрочни приоритети на селскостопанската политика на България” е резултат от изследванията през последните години на доц. д-р Румен Попов в Института по аграрна

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Reality Check Reality Check

Guy Kawasaki

Издател: Portfolio Hardcover

In Silicon Valley slang, a “bozo explosion” is what causes a lean, mean, fighting machine of a company to slide into mediocrity. As Guy Kawasaki puts it, “If the two most popular words in your company are partner and strategic, and partner has become a verb, and strategic is used to describe decisions and activities that don’t make

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Religion: Foundation of the Free Society Religion: Foundation of the Free Society

Edmund A. Opitz

Издател: The Foundation for Economic Education

In this book, Opitz explores the way in which religious belief is not only compatible with the free society, but is an essential part of its history and operation. The book starts with the “religious roots” of liberty, from the Bible through to the contemporary role of churches. The other two sections examine issues of individual freedom

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Switch Switch

Chip Heath, Dan Heath

Издател: Broadway Books

The Heath brothers (coauthors of Made to Stick) address motivating employees, family members, and ourselves in their analysis of why we too often fear change. Change is not inherently frightening, but our ability to alter our habits can be complicated by the disjunction between our rational and irrational minds: the self that wants to be

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Small Giants Small Giants

Bo Burlingham

Издател: Portfolio Trade

It’s an axiom of business that great companies grow their revenues and profits year after year. Yet quietly, under the radar, a small number of companies have rejected the pressure of endless growth to focus on more satisfying business goals. Goals like being great at what they do . . . creating a great place to work . . . providing great

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The Long Tail The Long Tail

Chris Anderson

Издател: Hyperion

"The Long Tail" is a powerful new force in our economy: the rise of the niche. As the cost of reaching consumers drops dramatically, our markets are shifting from a one-size-fits-all model of mass appeal to one of unlimited variety for unique tastes. From supermarket shelves to advertising agencies, the ability to offer vast choice is changing

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The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking

Cliff Michaels

Издател: Greenleaf Book Group Press

In The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking, Cliff Michaels takes us on an inspirational journey while capturing the passion and wisdom of extraordinary people. On the cutting edge of life and business strategies for over 20 years, Cliff not only shares his triumphs and tribulations as an entrepreneur, he unleashes a fun system of timeless

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Книги: 351 - 360 от общо 3739