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Corporate governance in Bulgaria Corporate governance in Bulgaria

Издател: Economic policy institute

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Changing Balkans, IV Changing Balkans, IV


Издател: Balkan Political Club Foundation

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Changing Balkans, V Changing Balkans, V


Издател: Balkan Political Club Foundation

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Changing Balkans, VI Changing Balkans, VI


Издател: Balkan Political Club Foundation

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China's grain production and trade China's grain production and trade

Colin Carter, Fu-Ning Zhong

Издател: Westview Press / Boulder and London

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City of woman City of woman

Christine Stansell

Издател: University of Illinois Press

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Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society

Ralf Dahrendorf

Издател: Stanford University Press

In 1959, Dahrendorf published in his most influential work on social inequality, titled Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society. Despite later revisions and affirmations of his work, today this book still remains as his first detailed and most influential account of the problem of social inequality in modern, or postcapitalist, societies.

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Combating Poverty: Innovative Social Reforms in Chile During the 1980s Combating Poverty: Innovative Social Reforms in Chile During the 1980s

Tarsicio Castaneda

Издател: International Center for Economic Growth

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Книги: 3631 - 3640 от общо 3739