Нови книги
By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission
, Charles Murray
Издател: Crown Forum
In this provocative book, acclaimed social scientist and bestselling author Charles Murray shows us why we can no longer hope to roll back the power of the federal government through the normal political process. The Constitution is broken in ways that cannot be fixed even by a sympathetic Supreme Court. Our legal system is increasingly lawless,
Going for Broke
Michael Tanner
Издател: Cato Institute
Michel Tanner, a nationally recognized expert on entitlements, health care reform, and social welfare policy, examines the growing national debt and its dire implications for our future and explains why a looming financial meltdown may be far worse than anyone expects.
Michael Tanner is a senior economist fellow at the Cato Institute. He is the
Икономика в сянка
Емилия Ченгелова
Издател: Фабер
Книгата навлиза в противоречивия дискусионен свят на измерването и тълкуването на икономическите практики, извършвани в нарушение на официалните регулации и правила.
Производителността в България
Екип Световна банка
Издател: -
Докладът на Световната банка се основава на анализ на възможностите на България да надгражда върху преходните си успехи с цел ускоряване на растежа и подобряване живота на българите.
The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century
Hugh Trevor-Roper
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century collects nine essays by Trevor-Roper on the themes of religion, the Reformation, and social change. As Trevor-Roper explains in his preface, “the crisis in government, society, and ideas which occurred, both in Europe and in England, between the Reformation and the middle of the seventeenth century”
The Great Rebirth
Anders Åslund , Simeon Djankov
Издател: Peterson Institute for International Economics
Twenty-five years after the fall of communism, the Peterson Institute for International Economics has published a new collection of analytical histories by the economic policymakers who themselves led reform of the former Soviet bloc countries. The authors conclude that rapid and bold economic modernization brought greater success than a slower,
Книги: 31 - 40 от общо 3739