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Bulgaria. Accelerating Bulgaria’s Convergence: the Challenge of Raising Productivity   Bulgaria. Accelerating Bulgaria’s Convergence: the Challenge of Raising Productivity


Издател: The World Bank

The report aims to assist the Bulgarian authorities in identifying options for policies and reforms that would help to boost productivity and employment and thereby economic growth and income convergence. To achieve this, the report looks at Bulgaria’s product and labor markets, human resource development, and R&D and innovation system. The

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Long Term Care Policies for Older Populations in New EU Member States and Croatia: Challenges and Opportunities Long Term Care Policies for Older Populations in New EU Member States and Croatia: Challenges and Opportunities


Издател: The World Bank

The new EU member states and Croatia are facing a rapidly aging population. One of the consequences of these demographic changes is the expected increase in demand among the older population for long-term care (LTC). The future demand for LTC services will be driven by two factors: first, the size of the older population (+65), especially the very

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Sustainability of Pension Systems in the New EU Member States and Croatia Sustainability of Pension Systems in the New EU Member States and Croatia


Издател: The World Bank

This study finds that pension reforms in recent years have improved the efficiency and sustainability of pension systems in the new member states of the European Union and Croatia. However, for many countries, these probably have not gone far enough to ensure long-term sustainability, given the aging of the population. Reforms have included

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From Red to Gray From Red to Gray


Издател: The World Bank

Demographic trends can have direct implications for labor markets through three primary channels: labor supply, labor productivity, and labor demand (because of shifts in the structure of aggregate demand). This chapter focuses on the first two. The conventional wisdom is that aging societies will face difficult economic and social challenges

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From Red to Gray From Red to Gray


Издател: The World Bank

"The countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union are experiencing a third transition, a transition that overlaps with their recent political and economic transitions. In 2025, more than one in five Bulgarians will be more than 65 years old - up from just 13 percent in 1990. Ukraine’s population will shrink by a fifth between the

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In Apararea Capitalismului Global In Apararea Capitalismului Global

Johan Norberg

Издател: Libertas Publishing

"Ideea centrala a cartii ,,In apararea capitalismului global"" a lui Norberg este ca saracia nu e doar o problema materiala. Saracia inseamna lipsa de putere. Inseamna sa fii privat de oportunitati fundamentale si de libertatea de a alege. Veniturile mici sunt simptome ale lipsei acestor lucruri, ale faptului ca oamenii sunt marginalizati si

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Reconstructia libertatii eseuri critice de Walter Block Reconstructia libertatii eseuri critice de Walter Block

Walter Block

Издател: Libertas Publishing

Libertas Publishing a tipărit Reconstrucţia libertăţii, o colecţie de zece articole în care Walter Block se foloseşte de învăţaturile Şcolii austriece de drept şi economie pentru a ne arăta ce e în neregulă, de ce şi cum ar trebui făcute lucrurile de fapt, când vine vorba despre proprietate, regimul armelor, ecologie, muncă,

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Управление на твърдите отпадъци в България, Хърватия, Полша и Румъния Управление на твърдите отпадъци в България, Хърватия, Полша и Румъния


Издател: Световна банка

Това проучване анализира напредъка в България, Хърватия, Полша и Румъния и посочва съществени недостатъци в изпълнението на изискванията на ЕС по отношение на приложението на “acquis communautaire”

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Doing Business 2012: Doing Business in a More Transparent World Doing Business 2012: Doing Business in a More Transparent World

Издател: The World Bank

Doing Business 2012, a co-publication of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation, is the ninth in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. It presents quantitative indicators on business regulation and the protection of property rights that can be

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България: Секторни анализи за едно по-добро бъдеще/Bulgaria: Mapping Bulgaria's Future България: Секторни анализи за едно по-добро бъдеще/Bulgaria: Mapping Bulgaria's Future

Издател: Световна банка

Докладът „България: Секторни анализи за едно по-добро бъдеще” представлява обширен анализ, направен от икономистите на Световната банка. Фокусиран е върху 16 ключови сектора и е представен

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Книги: 391 - 400 от общо 3739