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What It Means to Be a Libertarian  What It Means to Be a Libertarian

Charles Murray

Издател: Broadway Books

Charles Murray believes that America's founders had it right--strict limits on the power of the central government and strict protection of the individual are the keys to a genuinely free society. In What It Means to Be a Libertarian, he proposes a government reduced to the barest essentials: an executive branch consisting only of the White House

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Crisis Economics Crisis Economics

Nouriel Roubini, Stephen Mihm

Издател: Penguin Books

This myth shattering book reveals the methods Nouriel Roubini used to foretell the current crisis before other economists saw it coming and shows how those methods can help us make sense of the present and prepare for the future. Renowned economist Nouriel Roubini electrified his profession and the larger financial community by predicting the

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The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover - The Great Depression, 1929-1941  The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover - The Great Depression, 1929-1941

Herbert Hoover

Издател: Lightning Source UK Ltd.

"The central difficulty during my term as President was, obviously, the worldwide ""Great Depression."" Domestically it first appeared in late 1929, eight months after my inauguration, and continued in the United States not only during my term but for eight years more, until the start of the Second World War in 1941. That fateful eleven-year

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Essays on the Great Depression  Essays on the Great Depression

Ben S. Bernanke

Издател: Princeton University Press

Few periods in history compare to the Great Depression. Stock market crashes, bread lines, bank runs, and wild currency speculation were worldwide phenomena--all occurring with war looming in the background. This period has provided economists with a marvelous laboratory for studying the links between economic policies and institutions and

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България в международните класации 2011: 77 мерки за икономически растеж България в международните класации 2011: 77 мерки за икономически растеж

Зорница Славова , Калоян Стайков

Издател: Институт за пазарна икономика

"Вече за трета поредна година екипът на ИПИ в партньорство с Фондация за свободата „Фридрих Науман” публикува в едно общо издание най-известните международни индекси за развитие. Целта е да

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The First Crash The First Crash

Richard Dale

Издател: Princeton University Press

For nearly three centuries the spectacular rise and fall of the South Sea Company has gripped the public imagination as the most graphic warning to investors of the dangers of unbridled speculation. Yet history repeats itself and the same elemental forces that drove up the price of South Sea shares to dizzying heights in 1720 have in recent years

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Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance

Craig W. Holden

Издател: Pearson

An approach to building and estimating models through the use of Excel. Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance focuses on active learning by showing readers how to build and estimate financial models using Excel. This approach shows the steps involved in building models, rather than solely providing readers with completed spreadsheets. This edition

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Introduction to Modern Economic Growth Introduction to Modern Economic Growth

Daron Acemoglu

Издател: Princeton University Press

Introduction to Modern Economic Growth is a groundbreaking text from one of today's leading economists. Daron Acemoglu gives graduate students not only the tools to analyze growth and related macroeconomic problems, but also the broad perspective needed to apply those tools to the big-picture questions of growth and divergence. And he introduces

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Economic Growth  Economic Growth

Robert J. Barro, Xavier Sala-i-Martin

Издател: The MIT Press

This graduate level text on economic growth surveys neoclassical and more recent growth theories, stressing their empirical implications and the relation of theory to data and evidence. The authors have undertaken a major revision for the long-awaited second edition of this widely used text, the first modern textbook devoted to growth theory. The

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Introductory Econometrics for Finance Introductory Econometrics for Finance

Chris Brooks

Издател: Cambridge University Press

This best-selling textbook addresses the need for an introduction to econometrics specifically written for finance students. Key features: • Thoroughly revised and updated, including two new chapters on panel data and limited dependent variable models • Problem-solving approach assumes no prior knowledge of econometrics emphasising intuition

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Книги: 461 - 470 от общо 3739