Нови книги
The Roots of Liberty
Ellis Sandoz
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
This is a critical collection of essays on the origin and nature of the idea of liberty. The authors explore the development of English ideas of liberty and the relationship those ideas hold to modern conceptions of rule of law. The essays address early medieval developments, encompassing such seminal issues as the common-law mind of the sixteenth
Трагедията на еврото
Филип Багус
Издател: Издателска къща „МаК” ООД
Колко стабилна е всъщност единната европейска валута? В „Трагедията на еврото” професорът по икономика в Университета „Крал Хуан Карлос” в Мадрид Филип Багус разглежда този въпрос от две
Rational Man
Henry B. Veatch
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
Forty years after its original publication, Liberty Fund brings back to print Henry Veatch’s path-breaking popular presentation of virtue ethics. This modern interpretation of Aristotelian ethics is a natural for undergraduate philosophy courses. It is also an engaging work for the expert and the beginner alike, offering a middle ground between
Tyranny Unmasked
John Taylor
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
John Taylor of Caroline (1753–1824) was one of the foremost philosophers of the States' rights Jeffersonians of the early national period. In keeping with his lifelong mission as a ""minority man,"" John Taylor wrote Tyranny Unmasked not only to assault the protective tariff and the mercantilist policies of the times but also ""to examine
Книги: 671 - 680 от общо 3739