Нови книги

Darwin's Conjecture Darwin's Conjecture

Geoffrey M. Hodgson , Thorbjørn Knudsen

Издател: University Of Chicago Press

Of paramount importance to the natural sciences, the principles of Darwinism, which involve variation, inheritance, and selection, are increasingly of interest to social scientists as well. But no one has provided a truly rigorous account of how the principles apply to the evolution of human society—until now. In Darwin’s Conjecture,

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Natural Experiments of History Natural Experiments of History

Jared Diamond , James A. Robinson

Издател: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press

Some central questions in the natural and social sciences can't be answered by controlled laboratory experiments, often considered to be the hallmark of the scientific method. This impossibility holds for any science concerned with the past. In addition, many manipulative experiments, while possible, would be considered immoral or illegal. One has

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Absolutely Small Absolutely Small

Michael D. Fayer, Ph.D.

Издател: AMACOM

Physics is a complex, even daunting topic, but it is also deeply satisfying—even thrilling. And liberated from its mathematical underpinnings, physics suddenly becomes accessible to anyone with the curiosity and imagination to explore its beauty. Science without math? It’s not that unusual. For example, we can understand the concept of gravity

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The Great Equations The Great Equations

Robert P. Crease

Издател: W. W. Norton & Company

The Great Equations tells the stories of how these equations were discovered, revealing the personal struggles of their ingenious originators. From "1 + 1 = 2" to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Crease locates these equations in the panoramic sweep of Western history, showing how they are as integral to their time and place of creation as are

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Атанас Буров - банкер, политик, дипломат Атанас Буров - банкер, политик, дипломат

Валентин Александров

Издател: ИК "Унискорп"

Няма друг българин, за когото творческият ъндърграунд да е написал подобна проста и велика ода. Няма друг сред финансистите на Третото царство, който да е бил еднозначен синоним на лице,

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Назад към капитализма... за да избегнем кризите Назад към капитализма... за да избегнем кризите

Паскал Сален

Издател: Сиела софт енд паблишинг АД

„Книгата на Паскал Сален е важна най-малко по две причини. Първо, това е книга, която носи различие при интерпретирането на днешната глобална криза...В книгата систематично и последователно е

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In Defense of Freedom and Related Essays In Defense of Freedom and Related Essays

Frank S. Meyer

Издател: Liberty Fund

Meyer has done more than anyone in America to search out the metaphysics of freedom. —William F. Buckley, Jr., Founding Editor, National Review When it first appeared in 1962, In Defense of Freedom was hailed by Richard M. Weaver as "a brilliant defense of the primacy of the person" and an effective "indictment of statism and

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Freedom and Reform Freedom and Reform

Frank H. Knight

Издател: Liberty Fund

The fifteen essays in this collection, first published in 1947, treat a variety of economic, social, political, and philosophical problems and were written by a legendary professor of economics at the University of Chicago. Professor Knight (1885–1972) wrote from the viewpoint of ethics as well as economics. His own words best describe his

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Evidence, Messages, Change! An Introductory Guide to Successful Advocacy Evidence, Messages, Change! An Introductory Guide to Successful Advocacy


Издател: Open Society Foundations

This guide is designed to support the advocacy efforts of the Open Society Foundations’ grantees and partners. It offers some basic tools and lessons learned for those considering conducting advocacy.

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Managing Think Tanks Managing Think Tanks

Raymond J. Struyk

Издател: Open Society Institute

"My primary inspiration for writing this book was my experience with the Institute for Urban Economics (IUE), a think tank created in Moscow in 1995. IUE’s six founders were all members of my staff, which was engaged on a large technical cooperation project in Russia. As the resident advisor for the Urban Institute—an accomplished think tank

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Книги: 811 - 820 от общо 3739