Нови книги
Autobiography and Literary Essays
John Stuart Mill
Издател: Liberty Fund
Liberty Fund is pleased to present in paperback eight of the original thirty-three hardcover volumes of the Collected Works of John Stuart Mill that were first published by the University of Toronto Press and that remain most relevant to liberty and responsibility in the twenty-first century.
Volume 1 features Mill’s Autobiography as well as
Developing the Potential of the Individually Funded Pension Systems
Издател: International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP)
On May 6 and 7, 2010 in Vina del Mar, Chile took place the International Seminar Developing the Potential of the Individually Funded Pension Systems.
The main purpose of the Seminar organized by FIAP together with the Chilean AFP Assoctiation was to identify means and instruments whereby the pension fund managers can broaden their current efforts
NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks 1999
Издател: National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA)
Since 1993, NIRA has published NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks (NWDTT), which provides a systematic introduction to the world's most prominent and innovative public policy research institutes, or think tanks. NWDTT provides an overview of the organizational structures and research activities of a large number of think tanks, functioning as
Книги: 921 - 930 от общо 3739