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It's Not How Good You Are, Its How Good You Want to Be
Paul Arden
Издател: Phaidon Press
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be is a handbook of how to succeed in the world - a pocket 'bible' for the talented and timid to make the unthinkable thinkable and the impossible possible. The world's top advertising guru, Paul Arden, offers up his wisdom on issues as diverse as problem solving, responding to a brief,
It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It
Joan Detz
Издател: St. Martin's Griffin
Why do some speakers succeed while many bore their audiences and lose their listeners? Speaking coach Joan Detz has worked with top clients for more than 15 years and has the answers. In this useful and lively book she presents strategies and tips for speeches, sales presentations, brief remarks, job interviews, Q&A sessions, panels, and more --
iЛидерът Стив Джобс
Джей Елиът , Уилям Саймън
Издател: Локус Пъблишинг
Apple е в атака и всички искаме да разберем как го прави Стив!
„iЛидерът” е книга за начина, по който Стив Джобс изгражда успеха чрез вяра в своите възгледи, страст към технологиите и
J. S. Mill’s Philosophy of Scientific Method
John Stuart Mill , Ernest Nagel
Издател: Hafner Publishing Co., Inc.
The dominant figure of mid-nineteenth-century British political economics, John Stuart Mill exercised a lasting influence on philosophical thought. This compact statement of Mill's doctrines offers the essentials for understanding his scientific methods of reasoning.
Starting with an informative Introduction by editor Ernest Nagel, the text
Jews, God, and History
Max I. Dimont
Издател: Signet
Jews, God and History is a comprehensive account of the 4000-year history of the Jewish people, the origin of their faith and their journey from ancient Palestine to all corners of the world till the making of modern Israel. Max Dimont intertwines their history with that of the civilizations of the time, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians,
Книги: 1151 - 1160 от общо 3739