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Realizing Freedom Realizing Freedom

Tom Palmer

Издател: Cato Institute

What is freedom? How is freedom related to justice, law, property, peace, and prosperity? Tom Palmer has spent a lifetime-as a scholar, teacher, journalist, and activist-asking and answering these questions. His best writings are now collected in Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice. Palmer's work ranges from the theory of

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Recent Literature on Interest Recent Literature on Interest

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

This book by Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk is a supplement to his two great books, Capital and Interest and The Positive Theory of Capital. Here he takes on alternatives to the Austrian theory he had previously presented, and thereby clarifies the case. It is an excellent illustration of the economist's stunning patience and capacity for thorough

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Rechtschreibung der deutschen Sprache und der Fremdwörter Rechtschreibung der deutschen Sprache und der Fremdwörter

Издател: Bibliographisches institut

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Reconstructia libertatii eseuri critice de Walter Block Reconstructia libertatii eseuri critice de Walter Block

Walter Block

Издател: Libertas Publishing

Libertas Publishing a tipărit Reconstrucţia libertăţii, o colecţie de zece articole în care Walter Block se foloseşte de învăţaturile Şcolii austriece de drept şi economie pentru a ne arăta ce e în neregulă, de ce şi cum ar trebui făcute lucrurile de fapt, când vine vorba despre proprietate, regimul armelor, ecologie, muncă,

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Recreation Fees Recreation Fees

Bishop Grewell

Издател: PERC

Beginning in 1996, the federal government started raising (and in some cases newly instituting) recreation fees on public lands and using them at the sites where they were collected. This Fee Demonstration Program, which is scheduled to end in 2004, has sparked a debate over ethical and practical issues. For example, do such fees keep

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Red Capitalism Red Capitalism

Carl E. Walter, Fraser J. T. Howie

Издател: John Wiley& Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd.

In Red Capitalism, Carl Walter and Fraser Howie detail how the Chinese government reformed and modeled its financial system in the 30 years since it began its policy of engagement with the west. Instead of a stable series of policies producing steady growth, China's financial sector has boomed and gone bust with regularity in each decade. The

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Reengineering Administrative Districts in Slovenia Reengineering Administrative Districts in Slovenia

Mirko Vintar

Издател: Open Society Institute

The development of democratic and effective government at subnational levels remains one of the central tasks of transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The sharing of expertise between countries can contribute significantly to the reform process in the region. Pursuing this goal, the Local Government and Public

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Reengineering the Corporation Reengineering the Corporation

Michael Hammer, James Champy

Издател: Harper Business

Management consultants Hammer and Champy thoughtfully critique the management procedures of American business and offer a promising prescription in this invigorating study. "It is no longer necessary or desirable for companies to organize their work around Adam Smith's division of labor," they state, arguing that task-oriented jobs are becoming

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Reference book. Refugees in Bulgaria Reference book. Refugees in Bulgaria


Издател: Bulgarian Red Cross, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, Caritas - Bulgaria

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Книги: 1651 - 1660 от общо 3739