Стоядин Савов
Toзи учeбник нa Cтoядин Caвoв пo мaкpoикoнoмикa oбxвaщa cлeднитe тeми: пoдxoд и aнaлитични инcтpумeнти нa мaкpoикoнoмикca; тъpceнe,...
Стивън Хокинг , Ленард Млодинов
Световният бестселър на Стивън Хокинг „Кратка история на времето” се превърна в епохално събитие в...
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За да търсите в пълния каталог, моля, изберете от категориите вляво.
Издател: Pharos book
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Peter Harrold; Associates
Издател: The world bank
Garet Garrett
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
This book blows away the conventional interpretations of the crash of 1929, not only in its contents but that this book exists at all. It was written in 1931. He ascribes the crash to the pile of up debt, which in turn was made possible by the Fed printing machine. This created distortions in the production structure that cried out for correction.
Издател: BNB
Anna trandeva
Veska Kozhuharova (Editor)
Издател: Institute of Sociology
The subject of the XVIII congress of the ESRS attracted a lot of attention in Bulgaria. As a result the Bulgarian Society for Rural Sociology organized “The Bulgarian Village And Late Modernity” national conference in June 1999. It is part of the papers given at the conference that are published in the present book within the “Bulgarian
Maria Hirszowicz
Издател: Martin Robertson
This book analyses the central feature of communist societies in Eastern Europe: their complete subordination to a bureaucratic apparatus and effectively controls every aspect of social life. The evolution of bureaucracy in the East, its impact upon society and its complex networks of social control form the focus of this important study.
Peter G. Moore
Издател: Cambridge University Press
Risk pervades virtually all areas of human endeavour, whether these endeavours be for social, personal, commercial or national purposes. It is vitally important for all those involved in decision making in these areas to know how to evaluate the risks involved in any action if choices are to be made meaningfully. In this introduction, Professor
Gordon Tullock
Издател: Liberty Fund
The Calculus of Consent is divided into four parts, each consisting of several chapters. The introduction by Professor Rowley provides a short overview of the book and identifies key insights that permeated the bounds of economics and political science and created an enduring nexus between the two sciences. Part I of The Calculus of Consent
James M. Buchanan
The Calculus of Consent was co-authored by Buchanan with Gordon Tullock, with whom Buchanan collaborated on many books and academic enterprises throughout their careers. As Robert D. Tollison states in the foreword, “[this book] is a radical departure from the way democracies conduct their business. The Calculus is already a book for the
Книги: 1951 - 1960 от общо 3739