Каталог и Резервация
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The Choice at the Checkout
Ron Borzekowski , Elizabeth Kiser
Издател: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Dramatic changes have occurred in the U.S. payment system over the past two decades, most notably an explosion in electronic card-based payments. Not surprisingly, this shift has been accompanied by a series of policy debates, all of which hinge critically on understanding consumer behavior at the point of sale. Using a new nationally
The Cinder Buggy
Garet Garrett
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
Garet Garrett's fiction deals with the social impact of economic transformations. In The Driver, he deals with railroads, while Satan's Bushel examines agricultural. The Cinder Buggy, his second in the trilogy, is the longest of the three and his true epoch novel and unforgettable masterpiece. With a great story, and tremendous literary passion,
The Citizen`s Guide to Taxation
Marina Kesner -Škreb , Danijela Kuliš
Издател: Institut za Javne financije
The aim of The Citizen's Guide to taxation is to give a simple and readable account of the complex and extensive material that is the Croatian tax system. The guide is meant primarily for citizens, who meet taxes every day as they buy goods in a shop, receive their salaries and wages, order a cup of coffee in a restaurant, inherit a house and so
Книги: 1981 - 1990 от общо 3739