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Mohamed Ariff
Издател: ICS Press
In this paper, Dr. Mohamed Ariff emphasizes that taking an active role in the Uruguay Round of GATT is crucial for countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
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David Henderson
Издател: The Institute of Economic Affairs
David Henderson examines the role and conduct of business today, against the background of changes over the last sixty years
Juliet S. Gole
Издател: Open Society Institute
This publication provides a summary of the results of a regional conference of Transparency International Representatives in Slovakia, 1999. Acknowledging that local level corruption has come to have growing impact on the lives of citizens, the paper provides some insights into the fight against corruption and improvement of services at the
Alena Zemplínerová
Издател: WIIW
Shinichi Ichimura
Martin Wolf
Издател: Тhe Sir Ronald Trotter Lecture
John Chamberlain
Издател: Liberty Fund
Capitalism is a system that can stand on its own attainments, says John Chamberlain, and he offers here a fast-paced, provocative look at the intellectual forces and practical accomplishments that have created American capitalism. In clear, unequivocal language he discusses the ideas responsible for our economic institutions, the originators of
Издател: Liberty Press
Ellis Sandoz
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
This is a critical collection of essays on the origin and nature of the idea of liberty. The authors explore the development of English ideas of liberty and the relationship those ideas hold to modern conceptions of rule of law. The essays address early medieval developments, encompassing such seminal issues as the common-law mind of the sixteenth
John Stevens
Издател: Gale ECCO, Print Editions
A fascinating history of royal taxation and expenditure from 1066 to the early eighteenth century. It examines such income sources as feudal pledges and penalties imposed on conquered enemies and such expenses as defense, maintenance of the royal household and the suppression of heresy. Highly regarded upon publication, it was a standard work for
Книги: 2381 - 2390 от общо 3739