Айн Ранд
Втората част на този великолепен философски трилър е фокусирана върху Дагни Тагарт и нейната мъчителна...
Йежи Шацки
„Либерализъм след комунизма“ „...представя една систематика и анализ на сам по себе си обширния комплекс от...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
За да търсите в пълния каталог, моля, изберете от категориите вляво.
Издател: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The EBRD seeks to foster the transition to an open market-oriented economy and to promote entrepreneurship in central eastern Europe and the Baltic states, south-eastern Europe, and the Commonwealth of Independent States and Mongolia. To perform this task effectively, the Bank needs to analyse and understand the process of transition. The purpose
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Under central planning, the countries of central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union were the victims of misdirected integration. The potential gains from liberalisation were accordingly large. The expansion of the European Union has been central to the process of reintegration into the global economy of many countries of the region.
Progress in reform during 2003–04 was most pronounced in south-eastern Europe. Elsewhere the pace of transition was uneven. Sustained structural reforms will stimulate growth in the longer term. The transition countries are expected to grow by 6.1 per cent in 2004, helped by a positive international trade environment. Rapid credit growth is
Substantial progress in transition over the past year was achieved by central Europe, where the markets have responded favourably to previous reforms, and by the Commonwealth of Independent States, which benefited from political change in some countries. Economic growth across the transition countries has slowed but is still forecast to reach
Издател: The world bank
Издател: United Nations
Издател: International center for economic growth
Robert Duplessis
Издател: Cambridge University Press
Transitions to Capitalism in Early Modern Europe analyzes the diverse patterns of economic change that transformed agriculture and industry between the end of the Middle Ages and the Industrial Revolution. Explicitly comparative, it introduces readers to a wealth of factual material, to classic interpretations, and to current debates. In this
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