Пи Джей О'Рурк
Икономиката винаги ме е карала да си задавам един фундаментален въпрос: защо някои страни цъфтят и връзват, а...
Асен Христофоров
Настоящият тритомник събира двете лица на Христофоров. Включено е всичко съществено от икономическото му...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
За да търсите в пълния каталог, моля, изберете от категориите вляво.
Издател: Regional Environmental Center For Central and Eastern Europe
This report aims to give an overview of the legal status and practices regarding access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decisionmaking and access to justice in environmental issues in 11 countries of Western Europe: Austria, Denmark, Greece, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland
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This publication attempts to give a picture of each of the countries of this region and the CEE region as a whole. It also offers comparisons of the actual situation in our region with best practices and international standards, such as the Aarhus Convention, the Sofia Guidelines and EU Directives. In addition, this volume is part of a series of
This volume is also part of a series of publications that attempts to draw conclusions on a pan-European level by taking an overview of trends and practices in the NIS countries, Central and Eastern European region and the Western countries. The series is being prepared through a cooperative effort by the REC, the European Environmental Bureau and
Bernard H. Siegan
Издател: George Mason University Press
Susan M. Collins, Dani Rodrik
Издател: Institute for International Economics
Издател: The world bank
Klaus Weidmann
Издател: Nomos Verl.
Reports held at the International Conferences of the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation in Brussels, 3 rd - 11 th March 1990.
Paul Driessen
Издател: Free Enterprise Press
Eco-imperialism is a term coined by Paul Driessen to refer to the forceful imposition of Western environmentalist views on developing countries. The degree to which this occurs is a topic of debate, as is whether such imposition would be ethically justifiable. In this book, Paul Driessen argues that like the European imperialists of the sixteenth
Richard L. Stroup
Издател: Cato Institute
It is one thing to be passionate about protecting the environment. It is another to be successful at it. Many laws have been enacted to clean up pollution or preserve natural beauty, but many of them don't work and others have unintended consequences. In this book, Stroup explains why many of our environmental laws have failed us and how we might
Книги: 581 - 590 от общо 3739