Каталог и Резервация
За да търсите в пълния каталог, моля, изберете от категориите вляво.
Издател: Маdison Books
Eco-Sanity cuts through rhetoric, false alarms, and media hype to deliver concise and authoritative summaries of what we know about today's most important environmental issues. The authors of Eco-Sanity argue compellingly that the environmental movement has become a victim of its own success. Having delivered the message of impending doom for
Economic Analysis of Law
Richard A. Posner
Издател: Aspen Law and Business
Lucid, comprehensive, and definitive in its field, this text covers every aspect of economic analysis of the law, from common law, corporate and commercial law, and public international law to family law, evidence law, and the economic theory of democracy.
This edition highlights a variety of new information, keeping it timely and topical: The
Economic Calculation In the Socialist Commonwealth
Ludwig von Mises
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
This is the essay that overthrew the socialist paradigm in economics, and provided the foundation for modern Austrian price theory. When it first appeared in 1920, Mises was alone in challenging the socialists to explain how their pricing system would actually work in practice.
Mises proved that socialism could not work because it could not
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