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Exporting Democracy Exporting Democracy

Joshua Muravchik

Издател: АЕI Press

This book shows why idealism offers the soundest basis for U.S. policy. U.S. aid and trade, overseas broadcasts and educational exchanges, and crisis diplomacy have spread democracy throughout the world. We may be far from the day democracy is universal, asserts Muravchik, but we are approaching the day when it will be a global norm, in both

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Exposing the Real Che Guevara Exposing the Real Che Guevara

Humberto Fontova

Издател: Sentinel HC

Nearly four decades after his death, it’s impossible to avoid the image of Ernesto “Che” Guevara everywhere from T-shirts to cartoons. Liberals consider Che a revolutionary martyr who gave his life to help the poor of Latin America. Time named him one of the one hundred most influential people of the last century. And a major Hollywood movie

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External debt management External debt management

Thomas M. Klein

Издател: The world bank

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Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory

James M. Buchanan

Издател: Liberty Fund

Buchanan’s work on the subject of what governments should do and his insistence on Knut Wicksell’s ideal that taxation and public expenditure be integrated topics have contributed significantly to the current thinking of most economists on the topic. Geoffrey Brennan summarizes Buchanan’s central themes in this way, “There are two messages

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Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

Charles Mackay

Издател: Three Rivers Press

Why do otherwise intelligent individuals form seething masses of idiocy when they engage in collective action? Why do financially sensible people jump lemming-like into hare-brained speculative frenzies--only to jump broker-like out of windows when their fantasies dissolve? We may think that the Great Crash of 1929, junk bonds of the '80s, and

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Extreme Productivity Extreme Productivity

Robert C. Pozen

Издател: HarperCollins Publishers

Robert C. Pozen, one of the business world’s most successful—and productive—executives, reveals the surprising secrets to workplace productivity and high performance. Extreme Productivity is an essential handbook for every business professional, empowering them with proven methods for prioritizing efficiently and maximizing time at work,

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Eдин възможен подход за изграждане на симулационен макроикономически модел на България Eдин възможен подход за изграждане на симулационен макроикономически модел на България

Виктор Йоцов

Издател: БНБ

Трансформирането на централнопланираните икономики в пазарни е уникално по реда си събитие и за него няма установени правила. На основата на натрупания опитв макроикономическото

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Fact book 1999 Fact book 1999


Издател: DATA

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Книги: 771 - 780 от общо 3739