Популярни книги

The Positive Theory of Capital The Positive Theory of Capital

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

This is the second book in the series of Boehm-Bawerk translations by Scottish economist William Smart, originally published in 1891. It is, as the title suggests, the positive theory of capital. It begins with full front matter by Smart himself, and then we come to book one: The Nature and Conception of Capital. Six sections follow: Capital as

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Capital and Interest Capital and Interest

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

The great economist and finance minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is a pillar of the Austrian School. As a champion of the new marginalist school, this great work brought him more fame than even Carl Menger had in his day. Here is the original English translation by Scottish economist William Smart, the one that had the largest impact on

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The Origins of Money The Origins of Money

Carl Menger

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

Written in the same year that he testified before the Currency Commission in Austria-Hungary, and published in English in 1892, Carl Menger explains that it is not government edicts that create money but instead the marketplace. Individuals decide what the most marketable good is for use as a medium of exchange. “Man himself is the beginning and

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Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics

Carl Menger

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

Here is the book that gave the Austrian School its name. The famed Methodenstreit of the late 19th century was the battle of method. It pitted the emerging Austrian School against the German Historical School over a critically important question: what is the proper way to do social science? Here Carl Menger, the founder of the School, vindicates

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A Treatise on Political Economy A Treatise on Political Economy

Jean-Baptiste Say

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) has been described as a revolutionary, an author of scholarly books and popular tracts, a social philosopher, a successful entrepreneur and a remarkable Renaissance man. Above all, however, he was a great economist. He might best be described as a proto-Austro-Misesian, the author of the law of markets, known as

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The Bastiat Collection The Bastiat Collection

Frédéric Bastiat

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

The world has always needed this: a gigantic collection of Bastiat's greatest work in a single, super-handy pocket edition, at a ridiculously affordable price. All of the best essays by this giant of liberty are here, 1000 plus pages of it, but in a compact package that it is still easy to read. In fact, it is a joy to hold and even more to read

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Profession of Faith to the Electors of the District of Saint-Sever (1846) Profession of Faith to the Electors of the District of Saint-Sever (1846)

Frédéric Bastiat

Издател: Foundation for Economic Education

In 1846, France was still a monarchy, known as the "July Monarchy", because the King, Louis-Philippe, came to power after a popular upheaval against the previous king, Charles X, in July 1830. From an administrative point of view, France was divided - as it is still today - into "départements", or departments, and the departments in

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I, Pencil I, Pencil

Leonard E. Read

Издател: Foundation for Economic Education

“Leonard Read’s classic essay, “I, Pencil,” is justly celebrated as the best short introduction to the division of labor and undesigned order ever written. But it holds another, largely overlooked lesson as well: “I, Pencil” is an excellent primer in the Austrian approach to capital theory.” — Sheldon Richman “Eloquent.

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The Pure Theory of Capital  The Pure Theory of Capital

Friedrich von Hayek

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

The Pure Theory of Capital, F. A. Hayek’s long-overlooked, little-understood volume, was his most detailed work in economic theory. Originally published in 1941 when fashionable economic thought had shifted to John Maynard Keynes, Hayek’s manifesto of capital theory is now available again for today’s students and economists to

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Accent on the Right Accent on the Right

Leonard E. Read

Издател: Foundation for Economic Education

"DEDICATION of a book is a writer's way of paying respect to someone, or of acknowledging a devoted helper, or of honoring a loved one - and, as a rule, the tribute is to a contemporary. Why, then, my dedication to Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)? First, Bastiat is one of my heroes. I am unaware of anyone who saw more clearly through the political

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Книги: 1071 - 1080 от общо 3739