Популярни книги

Capitalism and the Historians Capitalism and the Historians

Friedrich von Hayek

Издател: University Of Chicago Press

"THE industrial revolution was an affair of economics as well as of technology: it consisted of changes in the volume and distribution of resources, no less than in the methods by which these resources were directed to specific ends. The two movements were, indeed, closely connected. Without the inventions industry might have continued its

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The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction

Ludwig von Mises

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

When he fled Austria in 1934, Ludwig von Mises left behind a wealth of writings that, he supposed, were lost forever. Seized by the Nazi Gestapo, the papers were subsequently captured by the Soviet KGB and were archived in Moscow. Their discovery in 1996, by Professors Richard and Anna Ebeling of Hillsdale College, received widespread attention.

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Затъпяване. Скритата цел на държавното образование Затъпяване. Скритата цел на държавното образование

Джон Гатоу

Издател: Издателство

"Децата научават това, което преживяват на практика. Разпределете децата в класове и те ще изживеят живота си в невидима клетка, изолирани от общността; прекъсвайте децата със звънци през

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Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development 2012 Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development 2012


Издател: Institute for Market Economics

The publication „Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development” aims to provide objective, timely and comprehensive information on the development of Bulgarian regions, both in static and dynamic terms. The publication aims to paint as complete a picture as possible, covering both the economic and social aspects of life in the regions. Regions

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Неутралните опаковки и техните непреднамерени последици Неутралните опаковки и техните непреднамерени последици

Петър Ганев

Издател: Институт за пазарна икономика

Настоящият коментар бе провокиран от нарастващата тенденция правителствата по света да регулират все по-строго рекламната индустрия. Било то в името на потребителската информираност или

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Plain Packaging and its Unintended Consequences Plain Packaging and its Unintended Consequences

Petar Ganev

Издател: Institute for Market Economics

Plain packaging by itself is not a health policy in any recognisable sense. It neither informs nor educates. On the contrary, it limits information and restricts choice. There is no logical consistency between health warnings and plain packaging – the former is supposed to be informative for your health (regardless of size and visibility), while

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Повратната точка Повратната точка

Малкълм Гладуел

Издател: Издателска къща Жанет 45

„Повратната точка“ е биографията на една идея, а идеята е много проста. Идеята е, че най-добрият начин да проумеем появата на различни модни тенденции или покачването и спада на вълните на

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Мотивация и личност Мотивация и личност

Ейбрахам Маслоу

Издател: Издателска къща "Кибеа"

"Moтивaция и личнoст" е нoвaтoрскa твoрбa нa един oт нaй-влиятелните и oригинaлни псиxoлoзи нa нaшетo време - Eйбрaxaм Maслoу. Bъпреки че първoтo издaние нa книгaтa излизa през 1954 г., нейните идеи oстaвaт все тaкa

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Intelligent Investor Intelligent Investor

Benjamin Graham

Издател: HarperBusiness Essentials

The best book on investing ever written, this classic work offers sound and safe principles for investing - principles that have worked for more than the half century since the first edition was published. This revised edition features a new introduction, appendix and chapter updates. Since its original publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham's book

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Business and Economic Principles Business and Economic Principles

Marc Swanepoel

Издател: The Foundation for Economic and Business Development

In 1975 Marc and some of his friends became concerned about the political problems South Africa was facing. They considered Apartheid an extreme form of Socialism and formed the Free Market Foundation of Southern Africa (FMF) as an institution to guide the country in the direction of a Market Economy. Marc funded the FMF for the first two years

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Книги: 1111 - 1120 от общо 3739