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Капиталовите системи: Ролята им за решаването на пенсионния проблем Капиталовите системи: Ролята им за решаването на пенсионния проблем


Издател: Българската асоциация на дружествата за допълнително пенсионно осигуряване

Презентации и доклади от международната конференция “Капиталовите системи: Ролята им за решаване на пенсионния проблем “ (Funded Systems: Their Role in Solving the Pension Problem), се провежда в рамките на

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Фермерското земеделие и проблеми на прехода към него Фермерското земеделие и проблеми на прехода към него

Трифон Дарджонов


В книгата са разгледани основни въпроси на фермерското земеделие в Дания, Холандия и Норвегия. Отделено е място на характеристиките на нашето земеделие преди и след колективизацията.

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Advancing in the Strengthening and Consolidation of the Individually-Funded Pension Systems Advancing in the Strengthening and Consolidation of the Individually-Funded Pension Systems


Издател: International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP)

Presentations given at the International Seminar “Advancing in the Strengthening and Consolidation of the Individually-Funded Pension Systems”, organized by FIAP, on May 19 and 20, 2011in Dominican Republic. During this seminar we shall be looking at three issues that seem to us to be extremely important for reinforcing and consolidating the

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Анатомия на прехода Анатомия на прехода


Издател: Сиела Софт енд Паблишинг

От 1993 г. Институтът за пазарна икономика се занимава с наблюдение на стопанските реформи в страната и се стреми да тълкува свързаните с тях развития от гледна точка на пазарната икономика и

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 The Conscience of the Constitution The Conscience of the Constitution

Timothy Sandefur

Издател: Cato Institute

Timothy Sandefur's insightful new book provides a dramatic new challenge to the status quo of constitutional law and argues a vital truth: our Constitution was written not to empower democracy, but to secure liberty. Yet the overemphasis on democracy by today's legal community-rather than the primacy of liberty, as expressed in the Declaration of

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The Albanian Question The Albanian Question

James Pettifer , Miranda Vickers

Издател: I.B.Tauris

“Winston Churchill is alleged to have once stated that the Balkans produce more history than they can consume. The events in the region over the last two decades have shown that, on the whole, his (alleged) assessment was correct. James Pettifer and Miranda Vickers's writings illustrate that the Balkan tendency to churn out excessive history is

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Money-Socialism Money-Socialism

Roland Baader

Издател: Johannes Muller

Only a small number of economists worldwide foresaw the current global financial crisis. These few, without exception, are all members of the Austrian School of Economics, whose best known representative is the Nobel Prize winner Friedrich A. von Hayek. Back in 1976, he had pressed for a renunciation of state monopolistic paper money, a

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The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure

John A. Allison

Издател: McGraw Hill

The media and other statists have created a myth that the financial crisis was caused by banking deregulation and greed on Wall Street. However, banks were not deregulated. In fact, three major new regulations were passes during the Bush Administration: The Privacy Act, The Patriot Act, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Banks were misregulated, not deregulated.

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"Маркетингови  анализи  " "Маркетингови анализи "

Галина Младенова

Издател: Издателство Тракия-М

Настоящата книга е предназначена за онези читатели,които вече са овладели "азбуката" на маркетинга. Целта на "Маркетингови анализи"е да ги отведе към по-високите етажи на маркетинговия

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Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Peter J. Boettke

Издател: The Independent Institute

The passion of the teacher is often the inspiration for a student. This lively book illuminates how economics affects all walks of life, whether in the marketplace, voting booth, church, family, or any human activity. Boettke believes that economics is not merely a game to be played by clever professionals, but a discipline that touches on the

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Книги: 1131 - 1140 от общо 3739