Популярни книги

Михаил Тенев. Живот и дейност, том втори Михаил Тенев. Живот и дейност, том втори

Михаил Тенев

Издател: Българска народна банка

Двутомникът е второ допълнено издание на спомените на бележития финансист, издадени за първи път през 1940 година. Изданието е богато илюстрирано със снимки и копия на документи, снабдено е с

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Renaissance for Reforms Renaissance for Reforms

Stefan Fölster, Nima Sanandaji

Издател: Timbro/Institute of Economic Affairs

In Renaissance for Reforms Nima Sanandaji and Stefan Fölster show that, in spite of initial resistance to market reforms, governments that implement them are rewarded by voters. This finding is true for both centre-right and left-leaning parties. However, the strongest finding, which goes against conventional wisdom, is that left-leaning

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Социална вграденост на дребното предприемачество Социална вграденост на дребното предприемачество

Таня Чавдарова

Издател: Университетско издателство

Книгата анализира социалната вграденост на икономическото действие върху примера на дребното предприемачество в България (1998-2008). Анализът се основава на девет количествени и качествени

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Състоянието на планетата 2014. Управление за устойчиво развитие Състоянието на планетата 2014. Управление за устойчиво развитие


Издател: Издателство "Книжен тигър"

Изданието за 2014 г., което бележи 40-годишнината на института, разглежда както пречките пред отговорното политическо и икономическо управление, така и блокирането на новите идеи. Авторите

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A Revolution Down on the Farm A Revolution Down on the Farm

Paul K. Conkin

Издател: The University Press of Kentucky

Author and Vanderbilt University history professor Conkin (The State of the Earth: Environmental Challenges on the Road to 2100) grew up on a subsistence farm in Tennessee, working summers as a harvest hand, and members of his family still farm. As such, he's personally witnessed many of the radical changes he covers in this practical, thorough

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The Virtue of Selfishness The Virtue of Selfishness

Ayn Rand

Издател: Signet

Selfishness — a virtue? Ayn Rand chose this book’s provocative title because she was on a mission to overcome centuries of demonization. “In popular usage,” Rand writes, “the word ‘selfishness’ is a synonym of evil; the image it conjures is of a murderous brute who tramples over piles of corpses to achieve his own ends . . . and

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The Small-Scale Dairy The Small-Scale Dairy

Gianaclis Caldwell

Издател: Chelsea Green Publishing

The Small-Scale Dairy includes everything you need to know in order to successfully produce nourishing, healthy, farm-fresh milk. Whether for home use, direct sale to the consumer, or sale to an artisanal cheesemaker, high-quality raw milk is a delicate, desirable product. Successful and sustainable production requires the producer to consider and

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Farms with a Future Farms with a Future

Rebecca Thistlethwaite

Издател: Chelsea Green Publishing

"Farms with a Future is an important book. If you are new to farming, read it now. If you've been in the business for a while, read it every year to keep yourself on track." —Shannon Hayes, author of Long Way on a Little and Radical Homemakers As communities seek greater resiliency in the wake of economic upheaval, job loss, climate change

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Tomatoland Tomatoland

Barry Estabrook

Издател: Andrews McMeel Publishing

"In this eye-opening exposé, Vermont journalist Estabrook traces the sad, tasteless life of the mass-produced tomato, from its chemical-saturated beginnings in south Florida to far-flung supermarkets. Expanding on his 2010 James Beard Award-winning article in Gourmet magazine, Estabrook first looks at the tomato's ancestors in Peru, grown

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Financial Management in Agriculture Financial Management in Agriculture

Peter J. Barry, Paul N. Ellinger

Издател: Prentice Hall

Financial Management in Agriculture, Seventh Edition, introduces students to modern concepts and tools of finance, developed and applied to the agricultural sector. Using case studies, practical problems, and a lucid presentation, the text focuses on planning, analyzing, and controlling business performance in agriculture and related financial

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Книги: 1221 - 1230 от общо 3739