Популярни книги
Forever Contemporary
Cento Veljanovski,Editor
Издател: The Institute of Economic Affairs
Ronald Coase is one of the most important economists of the twentieth century. Amongst other great achievements, Coase taught us why firms exist and how we can better understand how to solve enviromental problems. He also made a profound contribution to our understanding of the provision of so-called public goods and helped join the often distinct
Психология на тълпите
Густав Льобон (Гюстав Льо Бон)
Издател: Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски"
Предговор от автора
Сборът от общи черти на характера, наложени от средата и наследствеността на всички индивиди от даден народ, съставлява душата на този народ.
Тези характерни черти са
Stress Test
Timothy F. Geithner
Издател: Random House Group Ltd.
STRESS TEST explains in accessible and forthright terms the most controversial and politically unpalatable decisions of Geithner’s tenures at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and at the Treasury, including the harrowing weekend Lehman Brothers went bankrupt; the searing crucible of the AIG bonuses controversy; the development of his widely
The Philosophy of History
Georg Hegel
Издател: IAP
Lectures on the Philosophy of History, also translated as Lectures on the Philosophy of World History (German:Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte), is a major work by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, originally given as lectures at the University of Berlin in 1821, 1824, 1827, and 1831. It presents world history in terms of the
Principles of Economics
Carl Menger
Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute
"Principles of Economics" (Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre; 1871) is a book by economist Carl Mengerwhich is credited with the founding of the Austrian School of economics. It was one of the first modern treatises to advance the theory of marginal utility.
Menger advanced his theory that the marginal utility of goods, rather than labor
Hostile Takeover
Matt Kibbe
Издател: William Morrow/HarperCollins Publishers
A rebellious challenge to the "upper management" of government, who are choking American prosperity and liberty
The American enterprise grew exceptional based on the founding principles of individual freedom, decentralized knowledge, and accountable, constitutionally limited government. But our ""leaders"" from Washington, D.C., have
The Philosophy Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained)
Издател: DK Publishing
To the complete novice, learning about philosophy can be a cause for dread. The Philosophy Book uses innovative graphics and creative typography to help demystify hard-to-grasp concepts for those new to philosophy, cutting through the haze of misunderstanding, untangling knotty theories, and shedding light on abstract concepts. Aimed at anyone
Constitutional Money
Richard H. Timberlake
Издател: Cambridge University Press
This book reviews nine Supreme Court cases and decisions that dealt with monetary laws and gives a summary history of monetary events and policies as they were affected by the Court's decisions. Several cases and decisions had notable consequences on the monetary history of the United States, some of which were blatant misjudgments stimulated by
Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays
Michael Oakeshott
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
Rationalism in Politics established the late Michael Oakeshott as the leading conservative political theorist in modern Britain. This expanded collection of essays astutely points out the limits of "reason" in rationalist politics and criticizes ideological schemes to reform society according to supposedly "scientific" or rationalistic principles
Швейцарският модел
Венелин Цачевски
Издател: Издателство "Изток-Запад"
Българският дипломат проф. д-р Венелин Цачевски изследва историческата еволюция и съвременните черти на държавно-политическата система и неутралитета на Швейцария, която отдавна се е
Книги: 1351 - 1360 от общо 3739