Популярни книги
The Art of the Start
Guy Kawasaki
Издател: Portfolio Hardcover
Kawasaki (Rules for Revolutionaries) draws upon his dual background as an evangelist for Apple's Macintosh computer and as a Silicon Valley venture capitalist in this how-to for launching any type of business project. Each chapter begins with "GIST" ("great ideas for starting things"), covering a variety of facets to consider, from identifying
The Great Crash 1929
John Kenneth Galbraith
Издател: Houghton Mifflin Company
Of Galbraith's classic examination of the 1929 financial collapse, the Atlantic Monthly said:"Economic writings are seldom notable for their entertainment value, but this book is. Galbraith's prose has grace and wit, and he distills a good deal of sardonic fun from the whopping errors of the nation's oracles and the wondrous antics of the
Essays in Positive Economics
Milton Friedman
Издател: University of Chicago Press
Milton Friedman's book Essays in Positive Economics (1953) is a collection of earlier articles by the author with as its lead an original essay "The Methodology of Positive Economics," on which this article focuses.
The most basic counsel of this essay is to respect John Neville Keynes’s distinction between positive and normative economics,
Петър Увалиев или Пиер Рув: Един живот
Соня Рув
Издател: Сиела софт енд паблишинг
Петър Христов Увалиев - известен във Великобритания като Пиер Рув, (1915-1998) е български теоретик на изкуството, критик, писател, публицист и семиотик, който от 1948 г. живее и работи в Лондон.
Strategic Management and Business Policy
Thomas L. Wheelen , J. David Hunger
Издател: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
This comprehensive book offers an engaging look into new and traditional strategic management topics. Its thorough coverage helps readers develop an understanding of the wide range of theories and research available in this field--from competitive strategy and industry analysis to environmental trends and ethics. Integration of international
Intergovernmental Reforms In The Russian Federation: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?
Galina Kurlyandskaya , Migara O. De Silva , Natalia Golovanova , Elena Andreeva
Издател: The World Bank
This study represents the most comprehensive review of fiscal federalism in the Russian Federation, presenting a strong case for greater decentralization. Given its vast size, immense diversity - including economic, geographic, cultural, ethnic, and historical differences across regions - Russia is a prime candidate for decentralization. By
Епоха на турбулентност
Алън Грийнспан
Издател: Обсидиан
"Епоха на турбулентност" предлага забележителен коментар на съвременния финансов свят, пречупен през опита на Алън Грийнспан в командния център на глобалната икономика. Той започва разказа
Книги: 1391 - 1400 от общо 3739